SW_ITelex_RX - fablab-wue/piTelex GitHub Wiki

How to configure piTelex for receiving telexes

In order to receive telexes, we have to add definitions for the server part of the i-Telex device to the minimal configuration for a send-only i-telex station. First, we need to define a tcp port where piTelex will listen for connections. The commonly agreed standard port is tcp/2342, but any other port is ok. Please take into account that ports below 1024 cannot be accessed by "normal" user processes.

If you want to be reachable by other i-telex stations worldwide, you need internet access. Depending on your local setup / your providers rules, you might have to set up port forwarding for the configured piTelex port on your router.

Consider getting a "phonebook entry" in the TNS (german: "Teilnehmerserver"), so that your piTelex machine can be resolved by all i-telex-stations worldwide. For details see SW_DevITelex.


Do not touch the setting tns_dynip_number: 0 in telex.json without authorization by the TNS admins!

Change to your subscriber number if and only if

  • you've got your number approved by i-Telex administrators, and
  • you've chosen dynamic IP update and told i-Telex administrators so, and
  • you've set your tns_pin: <11111> properly.
# Minimal setup for an i-Telex station with a teleprinter which can receive telexes
  "devices": {
    "screen": {
      "type": "screen",
      "enable": true
    "i-Telex": {
      "type": "i-Telex",
      "enable": true,
      "port": 2342,             # tcp port to listen at
      "tns_dynip_number": 0,    # !!! (see warning above)
      "tns_pin": 12345          # !!! (just an example....)
  "myteleprinter": {                 
    "type": "XYZ",
    "enable": true,
  "continue_with_no_printer": false,  
  "wru_id": "123456 dummy d",         
  "wru_replace_always": false,        
  "dial_timeout": 0                   

All other devices (logging, archiving a.s.o.) are optional, very often useful, but nevertheless not required for a basic i-Telex station.

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