SW_FontMode - fablab-wue/piTelex GitHub Wiki

Punching human readable tapes

piTelex has a built in facility that allows punching human readable characters into punched tape.
Just switch on the punching unit of your teletype, connect your computer to piTelex' screen, and enter


This turns the teleprinter on (LT) and puts piTelex into "font mode" (FONT). From now on, everything you type at your computer's keyboard is punched in clear text to the teleprinter punched tape. The teletype itself outputs garbage, simply ignore that. To end this mode, just enter


The teletype switches off and piTelex returns to standby mode.

Example tape output (text is "TEST"):

        /     OOOOO OOOO  OOO OOOOO      /
       /        O   O    O      O       /
       \        O   OOO   OO    O      \
         \      O   O       O   O       \
          \     O   OOOO OOO    O        \
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