SW_Config - fablab-wue/piTelex GitHub Wiki

Software configuration

In general, the software has to be started from the directory it lives in. On Unix'ish systems, this is usually $HOME/piTelex (with `$HOME as the home directory of the logged in user).

To start piTelex, change to this directory and run the main routine telex.py:

cd  ~/piTelex
./telex.py [args]

telex.py has several command line args, which can be used to control a coarse subset of the possible configuration options. Fine grained configuration is done via the central configuration file, which defaults to


All command line arguments are optional. If the settings in telex.json are correct and sufficient, no additional command line args are necessary. If neither the configuration file is existent (or cannot be accessed/read) nor command line parameters are given, piTelex tries to use some built in defaults (good luck with this ...) Both configuration options are discussed in detail in the sections below:

Configuring piTelex by command line parameters and by configuration file

These pages deliver a lot of details which might be confusing at first glance. But they also give a good picture of the concepts and great flexibility of the system. For your first practical configuration steps you might - ideally after reading the aforementionned pages :-) - follow this Initial Configuration guide as a starting point.

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