HW_ILoop_Power - fablab-wue/piTelex GitHub Wiki

Power for Current-Loop Interface

Historic Current Loop

... hand trimmed potentiometer for each line


All teletypes (with current loop interface) are designed for a current of 40mA. The receive unit (magnet coil) has a typical voltage drop of 15V. Taking into account the additional voltage drop in the interface circuits, a power supply voltage of about 20V should do - in theory.

BUT! The switching speed of a magnet coil depends directly on the intermediate circuit voltage - in this case the power supply voltage. On practical experience the intermediate circuit voltage should be at least twice the magnet coil voltage.

ADDITIONAL BUT! Most teletypes are used with a FSG (dialing device). This has also a relay in the current loop with an additional voltage drop. Some relay circuits (especially for "Wahlbereitschaft" = ready for dial) need a higher voltage (60V) to work as expected.

Hands-on tests

Working supply voltages with interfaces above:

Teletypes without FSG
Teletype Working voltage
Lo15 24V
T37 24V
T68 24V
Teletypes with FSG
Teletype Working voltage Full Working voltage
Can transmit, receive and dial but the ready-for-dial-lamp lits always. Can transmit, receive and dial with ready-for-dial-lamp working as expected.
T37 50V ?
T68 55V 85V
T100S 24V 60V

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Test and Maintenance Power Supply

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Power Supply for TW39 Interface WITHOUT using a FSG

External Supply
Transformer based

Power Supply for TW39 Interface WITH using a FSG

External Supply
Transformer based

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60 Volt DC/DC Hack

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