Example_V10 - fablab-wue/piTelex GitHub Wiki

Example with V.10 Compact USB Interface

The teletypes TeKaDe FS200Z typically have a V.10 interface. The teletypes FS220Z have normally installed a TW39 interface (with ADo8 plug) but this can be exchanged by a V.10 interface which is provided by some military shops.

The V.10 interface cable is provided with a 25 pin Sub-D male plug.


All you need is a CH340-USB-adapter with RS232 level and a adapter cable/case as seen in the picture.


For more electronic details see Electronic for V.10.

Adapter Variants


For piTelex installation see SW_Install

This adapter is handles by the software module CH340TTY.

Start the program telex.py with arguments -V <TTY> on Windows:

./telex.py -V COM3

Adapt the COM name based on your PC system setup.

i-Telex Connection

To use the i-Telex communication module start the program with the additional -I option:

./telex.py -I 2342 -V COM3

The argument -I starts the i-Telex client and the argument -I <port> starts client AND the server listening to the port.

Note: Instead of using command line arguments, you could also (= should better) adapt the configuration file to your needs and then call telex.pywithout further arguments.

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