Example_ED1000 - fablab-wue/piTelex GitHub Wiki

ED1000 Examples


Base is a 10€ USB-sound-card connected to a Windows-PC, Linux-PC or a Raspberry Pi (3B, 3B+, 3A, 4). The USB-sound-cards are available in different cases and cable variations - all works!

For 4-pin-plug (TRRS):
For dual 3-pin-plugs (TRS):

Only 5 passive electronic components are needed to connect the USB-sound-card to a ED1000 teletype.

Compact Cable Example

The USB-sound-card with cable was cutted off and soldered directly to the electronic components. The ADo8-cable-plug has a little room to cover the passive electronic components.

TRRS Adapter Example

Same USB-sound-cards are available with a TRRS-plug. The ADo8-wall-plug holds a TRRS-connector and the passive electronic components.

RPi Case Example

There are Raspberry Pi cases available with extra space for a modified ADo8 plug. There is room for the USB-sound-card and the passive electronic components, too.

Another variant with the same case but with a compact USB soundcard:


For Installation see SW_Install

This electronic is handled by the software module ED1000.

Start the program with arguments -E on RPi:

telex.py -E -I 2342

Note: The argument -I is to start the i-Telex client and server at port 2342. For more args seeSW_ConfigCmdLine.

Settings for FAG200

Most ED1000 teletypes interpret no-carrier as 'space' if no connection is active. The FAG200 tests the line on power up and signals an error if no carrier is present. To send always a carrier (also at idle times) set the flag zcarrier in piTelex.json to true.

"devices": {
    "ED1000": {
        "type": "ED1000",
        "enable": true,
        "zcarrier": true,

Raspberry Pi Audio

The default setting for pcm-audio on a RASPIAN image is not suitable for the ED1000 python module und have to be changed.

sudo nano /etc/asound.conf

File: /etc/asound.conf

pcm.!default {
type plug
slave {
pcm "hw:1,0"

Note: the USB soundcard has to be plugged in before powering up the RPi.