Folder Structure - ezra-buckingham/terry-the-terraformer GitHub Wiki

Terry deployments build the same consistent folder structure. The contents of all relevant folders and files is documented below.

    ├───<operation_name>_key         # Private SSH key for resources
    ├───<operation_name>     # Public SSH key for resources
    |   └───build_manifest.yml       # Configuration file showing all resources in the build as well as global build 
    |   ├───artifacts                # DO NOT TOUCH
    |   ├───env                      # DO NOT TOUCH
    |   ├───extra_vars               # YAML files containing the remote_configurations as defined in the config.yml
    |   └───inventory
    |       └───hosts                # Ansible inventory file (with all playbook vars)
    |   ├───ca.crt                   # Root Nebula certificate
    |   ├───ca.key                   # Root Nebula key
    |   ├───<host_1_uuid>.crt        # <host_1> Nebula certificate
    |   ├───<host_1_uuid>.key        # <host_1> Nebula key
    |   ├───...
    |   ├───.terraform                # DO NOT TOUCH
    |   ├───.terraform.lock.hcl       # DO NOT TOUCH
    |   ├───<operation_name>  # Terraform plan dynamically generated by Terry

More docs coming soon!

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️