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Installation of Docker ERPNext CustomApps

Let's get Start

Configure A records:

  • Add A record for portainer.excelbd.com pointing the public IP
  • Add A record for traefik.excelbd.com pointing the public IP
  • Add A record for erp.com pointing the public IP
  • Add A record for rma.excelbd.com pointing the public IP
  • Add A record for warranty.excelbd.com pointing the public IP

Install Ubuntu Server with Docker Swarm Mode

//Use root user 
sudo su
apt update && apt upgrade -y
apt install openssh-server
ufw allow ssh
systemctl status ssh
init 6

Starting the docker swarm installation

export USE_HOSTNAME=docker.excelbd.com
echo $USE_HOSTNAME > /etc/hostname
hostname -F /etc/hostname
apt update && apt upgrade -y
apt install curl
curl -fsSL get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
CHANNEL=stable sh get-docker.sh
rm get-docker.sh
docker swarm init
docker ps
//Post-installation steps for Linux: Manage Docker as a non-root user
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
//Log out and log back in so that your group membership is re-evaluated.

Traefik Proxy with HTTPS

docker network create --driver=overlay traefik-public
export NODE_ID=$(docker info -f '{{.Swarm.NodeID}}')
docker node update --label-add traefik-public.traefik-public-certificates=true $NODE_ID
export [email protected]
export DOMAIN=traefik.excelbd.com
export USERNAME=admin
//AVOID all sorts of characters [~!@#$%, etc.] as a pass
export PASSWORD=Admin123
export HASHED_PASSWORD=$(openssl passwd -apr1 $PASSWORD)
//Deploy the stack
curl -L dockerswarm.rocks/traefik-host.yml -o traefik-host.yml
docker stack deploy -c traefik-host.yml traefik
docker stack ps traefik

Portainer web user interface

export DOMAIN=portainer.excelbd.com 
export NODE_ID=$(docker info -f '{{.Swarm.NodeID}}')
docker node update --label-add portainer.portainer-data=true $NODE_ID
//Create the Docker Compose file
curl -L dockerswarm.rocks/portainer.yml -o portainer.yml
//Deploy the stack
// to update/install the portainer to the community edition, edit the yaml and change portainer image tag to portainer/portainer-ce and deploy the stack.
docker stack deploy -c portainer.yml portainer
docker stack ps portainer

Login to portainer[setup password]. Follow the rest of the steps using Portainer console.

Deploy MariaDB Replication

Stacks > Add Stacks > frappe-mariadb

Add mariadb configuration from frappe mariadb yml

Deploy Frappe/ERPNext

Stacks > Add Stacks > frappe-bench-v12

Add the yaml configuration from frappe bench v12 yaml

Use environment variables:

  • FRAPPE_VERSION= v12.13.0
  • MARIADB_HOST= frappe-mariadb_mariadb-master
  • SITES variable is list of sites in back tick and separated by comma
  • SITES= `erp.excelbd.com` {Note: Don't forgot to add `` }

Now you can see some of container are ready asigned and restarting

Let's Solve this first

  • Go to python container console & connect with root


  • After Connect with root you will be redirect to this path root@49290287e8dd:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites#

  • Now Run this command one by one

apt update
apt install sudo
apt install nano
  • Create a new file apps.txt with this name
  • nano apps.txt
  • Past this on apps.txt
  • Create a new file common_site_config.json with this name
  • nano common_site_config.json
  • Past this on common_site_config.json file
 "db_host": "frappe-mariadb_mariadb-master",
 "db_port": 3306,
 "maintenance_mode": 0,
 "pause_scheduler": 1,
 "redis_cache": "redis://redis-cache:6379",
 "redis_queue": "redis://redis-queue:6379",
 "redis_socketio": "redis://redis-socketio:6379",
 "socketio_port": 9000
  • Then save and exit from console

Yeah! Can you see? All container are now running fine. Let's move forward

ERPNext Install

Once all stacks are running then go to python container console with root




Back to frappe-bench directory

cd ..

Create new site

bench new-site etlerp.arcapps.org --mariadb-root-password admin2022 --admin-password admin2022 --no-mariadb-socket --force

Install ERPNext

bench --site etlerp.arcapps.org install-app erpnext

Install Excel ERPNext

bench --site etlerp.arcapps.org install-app excel_erpnext

Brows your site https://etlerp.arcapps.org/

Getting started with RMA Server [Custom Apps Installations]

Add MongoDB Stack

Stacks > Add Stacks > mongodb

Add Configuration file from mongodb yml

Let the MongoBD Database run completely and from the terminal:


Add cache-db database credentials:

Execute following command in mongodb container. Change the SecretPassword to desired password.

mongo cache-db --port 27017 -u root -p SecretPassword --authenticationDatabase admin --eval "db.createUser({user: 'cache-db', pwd: 'SecretPassword', roles:[{role:'dbOwner', db: 'cache-db'}]});"


Stacks > Add Stacks > rma-server

Add Configuration file from RMA SERVER Stack yaml

Environment variables:

  • DB_NAME=rma-server
  • RMA_SERVER_VERSION=2.0.0-alpha.0
  • RMA_WARRANTY_VERSION=2.0.0-alpha.0
  • RMA_FRONTEND_VERSION=2.0.0-alpha.0
  • DB_USER=rma-server
  • DB_PASSWORD=SecretPassword
  • CACHE_DB_NAME=cache-db
  • CACHE_DB_USER=cache-db
  • CACHE_DB_PASSWORD=SecretPassword
  • SITE=rma.excelbd.com
  • WARRANTY_SITE=warranty.excelbd.com

Restore ERPNext and RMA-Server

To restore from databases, first, we have to install-configure a fresh-server with the Frappe Stacks, RMA-Server Stacks, etc. till Add Site Container. We don't need to add the site container as restore will create the site and everything in it. Just need to change the DNS management.

Now, the site name should be already included while installing frappe-bench stack. But if we're planning to restore to different site name, then later we will need to change the site name and configurations.

Before getting started, on python container terminal, on bench directory, run this

Give Permission

cd frappe-bench
chown -R frappe:frappe sites

Restore mariadb Database for ERPNext

Download mariadb backup from asw s3

wget https://files-for-excel-bd.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/20220612_060135/20220612_060135-testerp_excelbd_com-database.sql.gz

It will take some time to Complete download successfully

Restore downloaded database

bench --site etlerp.arcapps.org --force restore 20211215_060004-erp_excelbd_com-database.sql.gz

It will take long time to restore the backup keep patient and wait until database restore successfully completed.

Now brows the site with your main ERP credentials.

Restore RMA-Server


Go to MongoDB container terminal and run.

cd /opt
mkdir restore
cd ./restore

Setup AWS CLI on local Windows CMD and copy the S3 bucket URL for MongoDB backup file and run

aws s3 presign s3://mondbodb_database_backup_file_url

This will generate a Public URL for the backup file. Now, from MongoDB terminal, run

curl https://files-for-excel-bd.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/20220612000013.tar.gz --output dump.tar.gz
tar xvfz dump.tar.gz
rm -fr /dump/admin
mongorestore -u root -p $MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD --authenticationDatabase admin dump

This will restore everything from RMA-Server and the portal/warranty site should be now available and point to old site. Warranty.excelbd.com/api/info will show the details.

Now we have to change the setups to integrate the apps again as we changed the site names, otherwise, everything should start working just fine.

Go to ERPNext oAuth Client list, Social Login Key list and change everything to new site/app names. And to change API info, go to MongoDB ternmial and run

mongo -u root -p $MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD --authenticationDatabase admin
show dbs;
use rma-server;

Once done everything we need to configure some basic changes

  • Delete all Webhook
  • Update RMA server_settings from mongodb with your credentials

Run the command, change the variables as required. Before running this, generate the serviceAccount ApiSecret again for the account and replace it. As we are restoring database, frontend/backend client id doesn't change, service account already exists, check the erpnext site name and then run this.

        "_id" : ObjectId("600c02e7165b02000df96bb1"),
        "service" : "rma-server",
        "uuid" : "939d9d3c-d4f6-4dad-8192-dfe4dd64e7d2",
        "appURL" : "https://etlportal.arcapps.org",
        "warrantyAppURL" : "https://etlwarranty.arcapps.org",
        "frontendClientId" : "1cae8c4f76",
        "backendClientId" : "fe6df0a17b",
        "serviceAccountUser" : "[email protected]",
        "serviceAccountSecret" : "Admin@123#",
        "authServerURL" : "https://etlerp.arcapps.org",
        "serviceAccountApiKey" : "403dfa271ac2021",
        "serviceAccountApiSecret" : "4ee812fbd1f8acd",
        "profileURL" : "https://etlerp.arcapps.org/api/method/frappe.integrations.oauth2.openid_profile",
        "authorizationURL" : "https://etlerp.arcapps.org/api/method/frappe.integrations.oauth2.authorize",
        "tokenURL" : "https://etlerp.arcapps.org/api/method/frappe.integrations.oauth2.get_token",
        "revocationURL" : "https://etlerp.arcapps.org/api/method/frappe.integrations.oauth2.revoke_token",
        "scope" : [
        "webhookApiKey" : "b9fcc4c8c1be9b6681c6ec20e2c9935ef2f8c450b9728f7c7e00bbfc38076a00f3740cdbad884c97d64db24389e15dae0156590ee840ffa54d3348fd827d79d0",
        "timeZone" : "Asia/Dhaka",
        "defaultCompany" : "Excel Technologies Ltd.",
        "sellingPriceList" : "Standard Selling",
        "debtorAccount" : "10203 - Accounts Receivable - ETL",
        "transferWarehouse" : "Work In Progress - ETL",
        "validateStock" : true,
        "footerImageURL" : "https://etlerp.arcapps.org/files/SINV-Footer.jpg",
        "footerWidth" : 530,
        "headerImageURL" : "https://etlerp.arcapps.org/files/ETL-header.jpg",
        "headerWidth" : 500,
        "brand" : {
                "faviconURL" : "https://etlerp.arcapps.org/files/Fav-Icon.png"
        "backdatedInvoices" : true

Setup Webhooks

Set the all Webhook which we deleted previously from ERP With Send a POST request by RESTER/Postman

POST url : https://etlportal.arcapps.org/api/settings/v1/setup_webhooks Headers

  "Authorization": "Bearer <system manager token>"

This will create Webhooks in ERPNext synchronously. If it fails, delete the created webhooks from ERPNext and make this request again.

Congratulations!!! You're good to go.... Everything completed successfully