Derived Model in SDLC - excel-azmin/SDLC GitHub Wiki

Derived Model in SDLC


Advantages of Derived Models in SDLC:

  • Clarity and specificity: Derived models help translate abstract or high-level requirements into detailed and specific specifications. They provide a clear and unambiguous representation of what needs to be implemented, reducing the chances of misinterpretation and ensuring a common understanding among stakeholders.
  • Traceability: Derived models enable traceability, allowing developers to establish a clear link between the high-level requirements and the subsequent specifications and design documents. This traceability helps ensure that each requirement is addressed and implemented correctly.
  • Design guidance: Derived models provide a basis for designing the software system. They outline the structure, behavior, and interactions of the system components, guiding the development team in their design decisions. This can result in a more cohesive and well-structured system.
  • Testability: Derived models serve as a foundation for test planning and execution. They help identify test cases, validate system behavior, and ensure that all requirements are adequately tested. This leads to improved test coverage and higher confidence in the system's correctness.

Disadvantages of Derived Models in SDLC:

  • Interpretation challenges: Deriving detailed models from high-level requirements introduces the risk of misinterpretation or misrepresentation. There is always a possibility of errors or inconsistencies when translating abstract concepts into specific details. If the derived models deviate significantly from the original intent, it can lead to incorrect implementations and potential rework.
  • Increased complexity and time: Deriving detailed models adds an additional layer of complexity and effort to the SDLC. It requires time and resources to develop and maintain these models throughout the development process. This can potentially increase project timelines, especially if there are frequent changes or updates to the high-level requirements.
  • Limited flexibility: Derived models may introduce a level of rigidity in the development process. If changes or modifications are required, it may be challenging to update the derived models, resulting in additional effort and potential delays. This lack of flexibility can hinder agility, especially in dynamic and evolving projects.
  • Overemphasis on documentation: While detailed models can be beneficial, excessive focus on documentation can lead to a situation where the emphasis shifts from actual software development to producing extensive documentation. This can result in a slowdown in development speed, unnecessary bureaucratic processes, and potential misalignment with user needs.

Overall, derived models can be valuable in the SDLC, providing clarity, traceability, and design guidance. However, their use should be balanced with the project's complexity, flexibility requirements, and the team's ability to interpret and maintain these models effectively.