Initial Setup - eversinxe/Webmin-Guide GitHub Wiki

This initial setup will include the network configuration for the centos 7 machine as well as changing the system hostname. This will allow the machine to connect to the network and be able to ping on the outwards interface.

Step One: Network Configuration

  • Login to the machine with the given credentials.
  • Run the nmtui command to access the network configuration, which will show an interface similiar to the one in figure 3.1.


  • Select the Edit a Connection option and choose the first network.
  • This connection is the LAN connection, which we will need to set a static IP, subnet mask, and DNS and gateway.
  • Configure the network settings listed above and the configuration should look like the following in figure 3.2.


  • Save the Configuration

  • On the default nmtui screen, select the third option Set system hostname

  • Set the hostname as you please (keep it simple).

  • Reboot the system for the network configuration to take place.

Step Two: Adding New User

  • We will be adding a new user and adding it to the root group as this will give more security for the domain controller.

  • To create a new user type the following command

      # sudo adduser newuser
  • Setup the password for the new user with the following command

      # sudo passwd newuser
  • In order for the new user to be in the root group, you will need to use the following command

       # sudo usermod -aG wheel newuser
  • Reboot the system for the new user to take effect