ESBMC Cpp Support - esbmc/esbmc GitHub Wiki

Supported features:

ESBMC v7 supports the following C++ features:

  • Class

  • C++ New and Delete: Dangling pointer, Double delete and Mismatched operators

  • constructors and destructors

  • lvalue reference

  • rvalue reference

  • Move semantics: Move constructor, Move assignment operator.

  • C++ OM fixed: string_view, algorithm, vector, Typeinfo, iterator, string, queue, numeric, set

  • Standard lib: <type_traits>

  • Improved references and Temporary object

  • New Clang node

    • DefaultInit Expr
    • sizeof Expr
    • C++ 11 nullptr_t Expr
    • C++ 17 variable template declarations
  • template

  • inheritance and polymorphism:

    • single-level polymorhism
    • multi-level polymorhism
    • pure virtual method
    • virtual inheritance (the diamond problem)
    • correct order of ctors/dtors:
      • tracked by the umbrella issue issue 940, affected features are listed below:
        • Virtual destructor
        • Base initialization for the most-derivied class
        • Order of destruction in case of object composition (part-whole relationship)
  • (TODO) Exception handling:

    • try-catch, throw

Features WIP:


Issues are listed from high to low priority in each subsection:

Development Tracking:

The new clang-based frontend is under development. We are currently working to pass the benchmark regression/esbmc-cpp/cpp which contains 370 test cases. Please see benchmark stats in each subsection.

The stats are generated by applying the following commands in the benchmark logs from Github workflow "Run a Benchmark":

To generate stats about error signatures:

egrep "Assertion|ERROR" * -rn | egrep -v "//" | cut -d':' -f3- | sort | uniq -c

To generate stats about passes:

egrep "VERIFICATION FAILED|VERIFICATION SUCCESSFUL" * -rn | rev | cut -d ':' -f 1 | rev | sort | uniq -c

Summary of Pass Rate in Each Test Suite:

Test Suite Pass Rate Date Remarks
cpp 330/376, 87.76% 24/06/2024 Last run: result link
inheritance_bringup 14/15, 93.3% 24/06/2024 Skipped as the last TC is not passable even by the old esbmc-v2.1
polymorphism_bringup 39/45, 86.7% 24/06/2024 1x TC failure is caused by issue 938. 2x TC failures are caused by issue 940. The remaining failures are skipped as they are not passable even by the old esbmc-v2.1
cbmc 119/120, 99% 24/06/2024 This suite contains 'Template_XXX' TCs only. Last run: result link The failed TC is covered by
gcc-template-tests 26/32, 81.25% 24/06/2024 Last run: result link - apart from arg6, const1, spec26, union1 and vtable1, the remaining failed TCs are not passable by v2.1
template 17/27, 62.96% 24/06/2024 Last run: result link - the remaining failed TCs are either OM dependent or not passable by v2.1
stream 56/65, 86.15% 24/06/2024 Last run: result link
string 206/233, 88% 24/06/2024 Last run: result link
algorithm 134/168, 80% 24/06/2024 Last run: result link
deque 38/43, 88% 24/06/2024 Last run: result link
list 47/72, 65% 24/06/2024 Last run: result link
map 38/47, 81% 24/06/2024 Last run: result link
multimap 41/45, 91% 24/06/2024 Last run: result link
multiset 8/43, 18% 24/06/2024 Last run: result link
priority_queue 13/15, 87% 24/06/2024 Last run: result link
set 29/48, 60% 24/06/2024 Last run: result link
stack 12/14, 85% 24/06/2024 Last run: result link
vector 133/149, 89% 24/06/2024 Last run: result link
try_catch 67/83, 80% 24/06/2024 Last run: result link

The following lines are used to fix the TCs, and added here for future reference: The commands below are for future reference: Fix the include path for Linux CIs:

egrep "\-I ~/libraries" . -rl | xargs sed -i 's/-I \~\/libraries/-I \/__w\/esbmc\/esbmc\/src\/cpp\/library/g'

Add tag for each TC in a test suite:

from pathlib import Path
for path in Path('./').rglob('test.desc'):
    f = open(path,'r')
    lines = f.readlines()[:-1]
    lines.append("<item_10_mode>KNOWNBUG</item_10_mode>" + "\n")
    f = open(path,'w')

Tracking Error Signatures for esbmc-cpp/cpp test suite:

Since we've added the support for most of the key features, most, if not all, errors are of the type PARSE ERRORS in our OMs for STL test suites. There's no need to track parse errors for those test suites. See section Summary of Pass Rate in Each Test Suite for the most up-to-date pass rate.

Build LLVM from source:

Using a debug build of clang greatly helps debugging the clang-based C++ converter in ESBMC. See Rafael's guide in

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