Mixtape 19: Easy Movie Intro Vortex - ern2150/FVCR GitHub Wiki

Title (since first repeat): Easy Movie Intro Vortex

Original title (when new on 20200114): Easy Movie

Summary: The vortex was fairly well-established when this mixtape was made, but if you just put it all together with the transitional pieces like Seaside in the Twilight (which I also call Vortex, but whatever) at the time, this would be pretty short. So in addition, the actual full credits to most of the common video sources used at the time were thrown in, as well as some uncommon ones. This functions as a Rosetta Stone of sorts -- most of the time these mixtape clips don't include an obvious tie to their source movie title. Now that you have a visual reference of print quality, subtitle format, or more obvious things like actors or locations, you can narrow down whether another clip comes from that movie. Granted the Codex does a good job of this at the metadata level, but a visual association also helps. First instance of "Two Years Later Hong Kong" as its own clip, and first Zodiac as part of vortex? (earlier retired tapes may prove me wrong)

End of Service: Mixtape was last shown in August of 2020. There haven't been explicit references to it in later mixtapes or megamixes. Because mixtapes usually leave out the actual title of a movie, putting it back in changes the pacing, usually making it feel longer, because IFD liked to drag out their credits while action happened underneath them. Oddly enough this mixtape doesn't have many segments that are longer than 4 minutes, proving that pacing isn't just about duration.


Date Version Length (min)
20200114 20:45? New 90?
20200308 22:10? Repeat 85?
20200611 23:12? Repeat 85?
20200709 21:52? Repeat 86
20200820 21:58 Repeat 86
20200531 20210613* *Archive 85


Mixtape 17: Don't Come to Me with Tales of Failure#opening from FOR-BIDDEN thru EMOTION (including copies of other mixtapes' sequences), 11 segments, 3:49

Common Sources: GoLion#GOLION 1:25

Common Sources: Silver Dragon Ninja (1986)#Credits 5:17

Gingaman Credits 1:13

Common Sources: Ninja Squad (1986)#Credits 2:14

Common Sources: Ninja Squad (1986)#Vortex 10 YEARS LATER (follows on from previous clip's source) 4s

Gunbuster Ep 2 Prologue and Opener 3:01

Vortex#HI FI VIDEO 1:08

Common Sources: Ninja Dragon (1985)#HAH 2:24

Common Sources: Wolfen Ninja (1982)#Credits 4:56

Kimengumi Opener 1 Credits 1:49

Zyuranger Credits 1:01

Yattodetaman 1982 Credits 1:17

Common Sources: Shadow Killer (1986)#Credits 1:58

Vortex#Seaside 1:08

Strike Commando Credits 2:30

Kimengumi Opener 2 Credits 1:32

Common Sources: Ninja Powerforce (1988)#Credits 2:30

Vortex#isnt red isnt real 1:16

Common Sources: Kamen Rider Stronger (1975)#Credits 1:24

D'Viewers Choice Corporation Video Logo (more info) 11s

Commando Fury Credits (follows on from previous clip's source, skips the IFD logo) 1:38

Common Sources: Ultraman 80 (1980)#Credits 1:23

Common Sources: Salamander OVA (1988)#Dragon Credits 2:27

All Japan Wrestling ‘89 Excite Series Promo (screen shots) 2:27

Common Sources: Ninja of the Magnificence (1988)#Vortex INTERPOL WARNING 7s

Vortex#IFD (also follows on from previous clip's source) 20s

Common Sources: Ninja of the Magnificence (1988)#Why Ross 2:51

Common Sources: Ultraman Leo (1974)#Credits 1:32

Common Sources: Gary Coleman - For Safety's Sake (1986)#Control Room 1:47

Common Sources: BMX Plus - Freestyle's Raddest Tricks (1985)#HI-TORQUE 1:20

Common Sources: Thunder of Gigantic Serpent (1988)#Credits 3:02

Common Sources: Rock's Winning Workout Without Weights (1990)#Credits 1:33

Common Sources: Mission Thunderbolt (1983)#Crown Entertainment Corp (other video sources for Mission Thunderbolt lack this logo) 7s

Common Sources: Mission Thunderbolt (1983)#Roller Murder, Common Sources: Mission Thunderbolt (1983)#Credits (follows on from previous clip's source, edit from London to Hong Kong) 2:42

Vortex#Zodiac 50s

Rainbow Force Credits at +0:01:00 (screenshots) (Zodiac, the previous clip, is also available at the beginning of this source) 1:30

Common Sources: Ocean Shores#Gong Shin (also present in below video source for Lethal Panther) 4s

Common Sources: Lethal Panther (1991)#Offense 10s

Common Sources: Lethal Panther (1991)#Credits (follows on from previous clip's source) 51s

Common Sources: Full Metal Ninja (1989)#Credits 2:43

All Japan Exciting Women's Wrestling Credits 38s

Common Sources: Maskman (1987)#Credits 1:30

Parade Video Logo 5s

Common Sources: Thundering Ninja (1986)#Credits 4:18

Common Sources: Ninja Terminator (1985)#Credits, Common Sources: Ninja Terminator (1985)#Raid (edits out a scene with lanterns) 4:08

Common Sources: Ninja Terminator (1985)#Vortex 2YL8RHK (also present immediately following previous clip in Ninja Terminator source) 3s

Mixtape 14: ...and I'll Revenge Their Deaths#Harry LOOK thru Let's Find Out, 1:40

Common Sources: National#Vortex EZ Movie 29s

Vortex#BERL 45s