Mixtape 14: ...and I'll Revenge Their Deaths - ern2150/FVCR GitHub Wiki
Title (as of 20210221): ...and I'll Revenge Their Deaths
Versions: 20191208 (New), 20191210 (Archive), 20200324 (Repeat), 20200915 (^Update length 1:09:51)
Other Broadcasts: 2020428, 20200707
Summary: it means omerta, it means rewengae
End of Service: Retired / not seen since 2020 when updated. Not officially superseded by a Megamix.
Version 20191210 (Archive) Length: 01:24:35.
Mixtape 10: Everything at Once (End of 2019)#Opening thru IFD, (^Update has Jack Ready and Mary before this, Lawn Ornaments before Original) 2:00
Video International logo (screenshot) 20s
Harry LOOK
Common Sources: Ninja Terminator (1985)#Vortex Harry LOOK 1:05
Common Sources: National#Vortex THEN 12s
Common Sources: Ninja Terminator (1985)#Vortex Let's find out 23s
Mixtape 11: I'm a Winner#EZ Movie thru HI FI VIDEO, 2:18
Common Sources: American Force 4 - Soldier Terminators (1988)#Stanners 2:11
JOTX-TV 198808xx at 10:54 Wine, 7-Eleven, Nissin Ramen, Kokuyo, One Shot (screenshots) 1:22
Common Sources: American Commando 2 - Hunting Express (1988)#Overlook Ambush 1:22
Adelic Penguins (screenshot) (^Update omits this) 6:00
Common Sources: American Force 4 - Soldier Terminators (1988)#No Vacation, Common Sources: American Force 4 - Soldier Terminators (1988)#Warble 1:42
Vortex#MY HERT 43s
Common Sources: American Force 4 - Soldier Terminators (1988)#This Guys Got a Seiko 2:43
Mystery Mountain Credits (screenshots of credits from a TV broadcast of the movie "The Proud Ones", then advertising "Sun Rises Again" the next weekend ) 23s
JOTX-TV 198807xx at 15:18 Beer suds, Sapporo, Amex (screenshots) 3:10
Common Sources: Born a Ninja (1988)#Playground 4:39
Vortex#Hanabi (Pre-aside in the twilight) 1:04
Common Sources: American Force 2 - Untouchable Glory (1988)#Boat party 6:00
Common Sources: Crocodile Fury (1988)#Croc Wrasslin 1:33
Common Sources: Dr. Slump Arale-Chan (1981)#Miki House Slate (including ramen ad), Common Sources: Dr. Slump Arale-Chan (1981)#Smoke Break, Common Sources: Dr. Slump Arale-Chan (1981)#Milo, Common Sources: Dr. Slump Arale-Chan (1981)#Wrestler Attacks Slump, Common Sources: Dr. Slump Arale-Chan (1981)#Ra men (including Hello Miki House and canned juice), Common Sources: Dr. Slump Arale-Chan (1981)#Crack the World cumulatively 6:35
Common Sources: American Force 4 - Soldier Terminators (1988)#Foolish Mistake 5:52
Vortex#BOOMERANG 1:24
Common Sources: American Force 4 - Soldier Terminators (1988)#Cast Fakeout 2:50
Vortex#PROJECTOR (extended, looking at agricultural work including wetlands, leading to...) 2:20
Common Sources: Crocodile Fury (1988)#Interrupting Croc 1:23
Vortex#Bamboo 13s
Common Sources: Born a Ninja (1988)#Boing (^has a weird sub-second blip of this before skipping it entirely) 10:40
JOCX-TV 198303xx at 0:34 including Mazda, Harmagedon, Boot Head Canon, Full House (screenshots) (^starts a second in) 2:59
Common Sources: Cobra against Ninja (1987)#Alfred Pears (continues longer than usual through titles) 2:30
Vortex#CHAMP 27s
Common Sources: Cobra against Ninja (1987)#Hotdog vs Oreo 1:40
Vortex#INDY 500 34s
Common Sources: Cobra against Ninja (1987)#and Ill Revenge Their Deaths (TITLE DROP) 3:58
Common Sources: American Force 4 - Soldier Terminators (1988)#MORE WARBLE 26s
Vortex#BERL 46s