Mixtape 11: I'm a Winner - ern2150/FVCR GitHub Wiki

Title (as of 20210109): I'm a Winner

Versions: 20191119 (New), 20191120 (Archive), 20200303 (Repeat)

Other Broadcasts: 20200519, 20200712, 20200818, 20201020, 20210121


End of Service: Superseded by MM5 "Danger Straight Ahead", whose title comes from a clip in this mixtape.

Version studied: 20191120 (Archive), Length: 01:30:47.


Mixtape 10: Everything at Once (End of 2019)#Opening thru IFD, 2:00

Common Sources: National#Hallelujah 30s

Harry LOOK

Common Sources: Ninja Terminator (1985)#Vortex Harry LOOK 1:05

Common Sources: National#Exciting Video 1:53

Common Sources: National#Vortex THEN (follows from previous source) 17s

Common Sources: Ninja Terminator (1985)#Vortex Lets Find Out 26s

EZ Movie

Common Sources: National#Vortex EZ Movie 30s

Vortex#At Last 30s

Vortex#HI FI VIDEO 1:18

Young Ones episode Bambi at 15:17 / [Motörhead - The Ace of Spades] (screenshots) 2:50

JORX-TV 19890129 at 2:30 Isuzu Gemini ad / Percy Faith - Fascination (screenshots) 29s

[Shin-Etsu chip ad] (follows from previous source) (screenshots) 29s (would love to find "Don't Give Up the Dream" song)

[Daiichi ad] (follows from previous) (screenshots) 29s

[American Express ad] (follows) (screenshots) 29s

Peach Skull

Child of Peach at 77:50 (screenshots) 1:19

Vortex#Seaside 22s

Child of Peach at 80:11 (screenshots) 56s

Common Sources: BMX Plus - Freestyle's Raddest Tricks (1985)#Special Thanks 19s

Common Sources: Ninja vs Ninja (1987)#Freeze frame 3:26

Synthaxe Demo (screenshots) 4:00

Boytronic - You (screenshot) 3:26

Vortex#Message to Japanese Wrestling Fans feat. Road Warriors 1:42

Common Sources: American Commando Ninja (1988)#Haha Mark 2:04


Common Sources: Diamond Ninja Force (1988)#Garphone 5s

Mr. Oizo - Flat Beat feat. Flat Eric (screenshot) 2:39

Common Sources: Ninja Terminator (1985)#Goodbye Watermelons 45s

Common Sources: Jerry Harris#Bachelor Life 1:23

Hansen v Ashura 1982 / AJPW All-Stars - Stan Hansen Theme “Sunrise” (cover) (screenshots) 6:22

JVC How to shoot a video letter (screenshots) 54s

Tarracco - Sultana (screenshots) feat. BMX Axe v Desert Drums 3:14

ridin dirty

Common Sources: Ninja Operation - Knight and Warrior (1987)#ridin dirty 1:26

Sony superBeta demo at 0:25 / [library piano music] (screenshots) 15s

Common Sources: Ninja Operation - Knight and Warrior (1987)#jun ko 1:18

Common Sources: BMX Freestyle - Hot, Rad, and Trick (1986)#I'm a Winner (super?) TITLE DROP 3:06

Common Sources: National#VISS 53s

Common Sources: Ninja Operation - Knight and Warrior (1987)#darts 1:29

Common Sources: BMX Freestyle - Hot, Rad, and Trick (1986)#Hops 3:03

JVC how to make a video letter at 2:40 (screenshots) 5:22

Master of Flying Guillotine at 50:03 (screenshots) 9s

Gazebo - Lunatic 1:48

Common Sources: Kamen Rider Black (1987)#Hopper 2:13

Synthaxe Lee Ritenour - Dolphin Dreams 1:19

Common Sources: Kamen Rider Black (1987)#Anemone 2:04

JVC Super VHS Demo at +3:56 (screenshots) 48s

Common Sources: Ninja the Battalion (1988)#Glorious Ninja Death 2:29

Common Sources: Jerry Harris#Vortex EMERGENCY 16s

Common Sources: American Commando Ninja (1988)#Car chase 9:30 (!)

The Flirts - Danger 2:29

Child of Peach at 90:56 / Jean-Michel Jarre - Fourth Rendez-vous (screenshots) 4:02

Vortex#BERL 48s