Common Sources: Power of Ninjitsu (1988) - ern2150/FVCR GitHub Wiki

aka Ninja Operation 5: Godfather the Master

Whisper Deal

Power of Ninjitsu 00:01:44

Screenshot Video Source Music Source(s) Notes
yellow gordon gets his man, teleporting punches, good faces meeting Power of Ninjitsu at 1:44

Gordon stalks Cabin Boy

Power of Ninjitsu 00:52:02

Screenshot Video Source Music Source(s) Notes
Power of Ninjitsu at 52:02

It's Your Turn to Die

Death Call

Power of Ninjitsu 01:15:30

Screenshot Video Source Music Source(s) Notes
Power of Ninjitsu at 1:15:30

Flyday Chinatown

Mustard vs Oreo

Power of Ninjitsu 01:24:06

Screenshot Video Source Music Source(s) Notes
Power of Ninjitsu at 1:24:06 (for the FVCR music video: Yasuha - Flyday Chinatown usually found in Intros)

Death of Gordon

Power of Ninjitsu 01:29:43

Screenshot Video Source Music Source(s) Notes
Power of Ninjitsu at 1:29:43

Versions 1:30:15, "THE POWER OF NINJITSU" at 0:00:15 1:30:15, "THE POWER OF NINJITSU" at 0:00:16

[zX6eXGaY-Bc] deleted, [DLZrdxGvbi8] deleted 1:30:15 240p cc, "THE POWER OF NINJITSU" at 0:00:16 1:30:08 (spanish) 369p, "NINJA OPERATION 5 GODFATHER THE MASTER" at 0:00:31

[P6lTYaNktvE] deleted 1:30:08 cc (spanish) 480p, "NINJA OPERATION 5 GODFATHER THE MASTER" at 0:00:31 1:29:54 480p, "THE POWER OF NINJITSU" at 0:00:14, [-U-uMvqHwCc] deleted 1:29:54 480p cc, "THE POWER OF NINJITSU" at 0:00:14

[Twyts8SPhQY deleted] 1:23:09 360p cc

忍者太保之教父魂 Edited from Osaka Godfather / Osaka Daebu (1986)