TeleportCommands - erikzimmermann/WarpSystem-IssueTracker GitHub Wiki

Purpose of teleport commands

As a standard of a warp and teleport plugin, this plugin provides different teleport commands to teleport you to all of your players on your entire network. Just take a look at the commands below.

Command usage

Permissions can be found »here«.

Use - /Tp: Teleport you or other players to you, other players, coordinates, worlds or even other servers
Syntax - /tp [player] [<player> | [<x> <y> <z>] [<yaw> <pitch>] [<server> [world] | <world>])

Use - /TpHere: Teleport other players to you
Use - /TpAll: Teleport all players to you
Use - /TpToggle: Disable/Enable incoming teleports
Use - /Back: Teleport you to last known locations
Use - /Tpa: Send a teleport request to other players
Use - /TpaHere: Send a teleport request to other players, to teleport them to you
Use - /TpaToggle: Disable/Enable incoming teleport requests
Use - /TpaAll: Send teleport requests to all other players

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️