Portals - erikzimmermann/WarpSystem-IssueTracker GitHub Wiki

Meaning of "Linkable features"

Every "linkable feature" can be linked to one optional specific destination, which allows you to teleport players to SimpleWarps, GlobalWarps or servers. Additional to this you are able to add various options like commands, permissions and costs.

Purpose of Portals

Portals are the best way to design your spawns, temples and dungeons! Also you can skip bigger distances on your lobby or connect your server to local and global places on your entire network.

Command usage

Permissions can be found »here«.

Modify - /portals: Create, delete and edit all portals
Use - Use portals in general


Portals - Preview


Here is a non-technical explanation of how permissions work on portals:

  • You set a permission in the editor. For this explanation we will use veryimportantportal
  • You then go to your installed permission plugin and add the permission exactly as typed before. If you use LuckPerms, you can issue this command to let the group vip use this portal: /lp group vip permission set veryimportantportal true
  • That means, that you need to put in the full String of your permission.
  • This also means that you can craft any permission node.
    • This also means that typical * permission nodes like warpsystem.use.* won’t work if you set the permission in the portal to warpsystem.use.myvipportal. A user with the general permission will not be able to use this restricted portal unless you grant the specific permission
    • This also means you can link any explicit permission. Say you want to grant only those who have worldedit.* to use the portal, just put that in there. But be aware: this also means that to use this portal, the user must have full access to WorldEdit
  • You cannot add multiple permissions to a portal. You do not grant a portal to users, but a permission to use that portal.
  • If you want to give multiple groups access to different amounts of portals, simply grant them all the permissions for those portals. So you can give Portal A the permission „portal_survival_groupA“ and the other one „portal_survival_groupG“ and then grant the first permission to group A and both permissions to group B