Mac CD to HDD (Hack!) - erichelgeson/BlueSCSI GitHub Wiki

[!IMPORTANT] If you are looking for BlueSCSI v2 documentation please go here:

This is no longer necessary with the addition of CD Image Support

Even though BlueSCSI currently does not support CD rom images you can modify your image to work with BlueSCSI! Note this likely not work for every image.

  1. Rename CD Image

Put the CD Image on your SD card and name it like you would a HDD - eg HD30_512-AUX3-Installer.hda

  1. Acquire SilverLining

Use your favorite method of getting software to your vintage mac and put Silver Lining on it.

  1. Install Silver Lining Drivers onto drive
  • Open Silver lining
  • It will prompt to open a volume, hit cancel
  • File -> Open Drive
  • Select the drive of the CD image you named above.
  • Click install drivers, accept defaults
  • The UI is a bit confusing as they all look like dialogs - but after it is installed just goto File -> Quit.
  • The CD should be mounted as a HDD now!