Mod Features - erdelf/AlienRaces GitHub Wiki

While Humanoid Alien Races is primarily a framework for the creation of new races with humanlike intelligence, it does add a handful of features and content to facilitate the use of multiple such races in RimWorld:

Starting Colonist Selection

When starting a new game, you can choose to restrict randomization to a specific alien race by using the Race Restriction toggle next to the Randomize button. This feature respects the current scenario's settings and will only allow races that are allowed by the scenario or applicable Race Settings entries.

race restriction option

Additional Traits

Xenophile - [PAWN_nameDef] thinks aliens are exotic and interesting. They would love to get to know them more and wouldn't mind forming relationships with them.

Xenophobe - [PAWN_nameDef] hates and distrusts xenos. They see them as little more than animals.

Ideology Compatibility

The following features are only active with the Ideology DLC active.

Additional Memes

Xenophilia - Relations with aliens are to be encouraged and embraced, to be fearful or hostile towards them only proves one's simplemindedness.

Xenophobia - Suffer not the alien to live, their mere existence is a threat to ours. Species of such are better as our servants or our sustenance.

Additional Precepts

Alien Races - (exalted, respected, abhorrent, horrible)

Alien Slavery - (honorable, abhorrent, horrible)

Alien Dating - (preferred, honorable, horrible, prohibited)

Eating Aliens - (required, preferred, abhorrent)

Styling Station

Styling stations can be used to alter the appearance of Body Addons and color channels of races with compatible configurations.

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