Multiplayer Sleep - epolixa/Shroomhearth-Datapack GitHub Wiki

This is an enhancement to the Vanilla Minecraft Sleep System provided by the Shroomhearth Datapack. Beds

When you sleep in a coloured bed, you will join a team and your name plate will change colour. Most beds are an one for one colour change, with some exceptions, being:

  • Sleeping in a Brown Bed will add you to team Dark Red
  • Sleeping in a Pink Bed will add you to team Light Purple

When a Player sleeps in a Bed, it will notify other players and note how many players are sleeping out of how many players can sleep. (Not in Nether, End or Porcelain)

For each Player that is sleeping it will add 10 ticks to the time.
     If all Overworld Players sleep, it instantly skips the night, like in Vanilla Minecraft.

If the Player wakes during the day, it will reset the Weather Status.
     This allows the player to sleep through Rain and Storms.