Community Score - epolixa/Shroomhearth-Datapack GitHub Wiki

The Community Score is a Scoreboard provided by the Shroomhearth Datapack.

This scoreboard ticks up when within 128 blocks or 8 chunks of another player.

When your score ticks up, you are granted 1 Experience point and a Note Particle shows above your head.

The more players that are around you, the quicker this goes up.

You gain 1 communityTick every second for every player within the radius. After 300 communityTicks, you gain a Community Score)
( 1communityTick*PlayerCountInRadius per second )

This was added as a fun way of showing whose working near each other, usually during bigger Server projects.

You can check your score at any time, by looking at the player list (Default: tab screen)

There is an Shroomhearth Advancement to do with Community Score, when you team up with 5 other players.