GME Gametypes - entropia/tip-toi-reveng GitHub Wiki
gametype 0
gametype 1
basic game, find the correct OID or a list of OIDs
gametype 2
"ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst", find the correct OID, get x hints in x+1 tries
gametype 3
only in "Bauernhof" (in different languages): "find n animal babies per round"
gametype 4
find 1 to n objects
1st round: find object a
2nd round: find objects a,b
3rd round: find objects a,b,c
and so on
gametype 5
only in "Bauernhof" (in different languages): "find the different cereals"
gametype 6
basic game with bonus-game
gametype 7
basic game, but subgames are grouped
the groups are chosen randomly, but the grouped subgames are played from left to right
gametype 8
used to choose betweeen other games. Examples:
Bauernhof 8th game, Straßenverkehr 8th game
fun-fact: you can switch to game-mode on any other page and then point to one of the stars to switch the game
gametype 9
gametype 10
only used in "Englisch-Detektive" and "Musik" (in different languages)
gametype 11
only used in "Englisch-Detektive" (in different languages)
gametype 12
only used in "Englisch-Detektive" (in different languages)
gametype 13
only used in "Englisch-Detektive" (in different languages)
gametype 14
only used in "Englisch-Detektive" (in different languages)
gametype 15
only used in "Englisch-Detektive" (in different languages)
gametype 16
only used in "Feuerwehr" and "Englisch-Detektive" (in different languages)
gametype 17
only used in "Feuerwehr" and "Englisch-Detektive" (in different languages)
gametype 18
only used in "Feuerwehr"
gametype 19
only used in "Wir lernen Englisch" (in different languages)
gametype 20
only used in "Wir lernen Englisch" (in different languages)
gametype 21
only used in "Wir lernen Englisch" (in different languages)
gametype 22
only used in "Wald" and "Piraten" (in different languages)
gametype 23
only used in "Wald" (in different languages)
gametype 30
only used in "Leserabe Pony"
gametype 40
gametype 253
Type 253 is special and only consists of the value 0x00fd. It is supposed that this is some kind of (additional) "end of games" marker although this is redundant because the number of games can be found in the game table, too.
[In an earlier version of this document it was noted that the playlistlist for the power on sound that directly follows the 0x00fd belongs to this game. But as this playlistlist is referenced in the header (0x0071) this seems wrong now.]