08_Week 8 (10.21) - entertainmenttechnology/Corn-MTEC2250-Fall2022 GitHub Wiki

Install KiCAD to Prepare for Next Week

We will be using KiCAD as our PCB design software. To prepare for our next class where we will begin learning KiCAD, please download and install the software. You can download KiCAD for your operating system here. If you are using macOS, please make sure to follow the instructions at the top of the Mac download page if you are using 10.15 or higher. You also do not need to pay or donate to KiCAD to download and use the software.

If you have any issues installing KiCAD, please post in the #techsupport channel in Slack.

Finish Midterm Projects (if needed)

If you had issues with the 3D printing or laser cutting labs, please make arrangements with them to finish your work, pick it up from campus, and complete your midterm project as planned.
All updates to midterm projects are due by class on 10/28.