Session 14 (12.9) - entertainmenttechnology/Berkoy-MTEC3501-Fall2024 GitHub Wiki

Due before class on MONDAY, 12/16

Note that we meet IN PERSON on Monday 12/16.

Peer Feedback

  • For EACH student who presented on 12.9, write a brief feedback summary in response to their presentation. This can be in paragraph form or written as bullet points. Include the following:

    • Which parts of the presentation felt particularly strong, communicating the proposal and prototype progress effectively?
    • Which parts of the presentation felt confusing or less than clear?
    • What lingering questions do you currently have about the presenter's project proposal or prototype?
    • Any other comments that you think could be helpful for the presenter?
  • If you were not present for the presentations, please review each presenter's final deliverables in the "Panel-2-Deliverables" folder, and give feedback on the documents instead of the presentation.

  • Submit your feedback for each student on Google Drive. In our class folder, find the subfolder "Peer-Feedback-Panel-2", which contains subfolders of each student's name. (Do not submit to the Panel-2-Deliverables folder, which is for faculty panel review only.) Label your document "Session14-[yourName]-feedback-for-[studentName]" (for example "Session14-AllisonB-feedback-for-Sam").

Submit final proposal

  • Make updates to your proposal as needed reflecting panelist and peer feedback. The proposal should reflect your current thinking on the project, with all sections up to date, including a proposed timeline of tasks through the end of your Culmination semester. For the section of the timeline reflecting this semester, make sure that the tasks for your prototype are represented accurately. Check the proposal template one last time to make sure that you have all sections complete.
  • Consider these final proposals your working contract with your Culmination professor, so it is important to represent your project and your promised deliverables as clearly and accurately as possibly. They will review these proposals at the beginning of your Culmination course.
  • Submit the completed proposal as a Google doc within your individual folder in the "Working-Drafts" Google Drive folder. Name the file "FINAL-[yourName]-Proposal". (For example, "FINAL-AllisonB-Proposal".)


Reflect on the following, writing a paragraph for each prompt, around one page in total length.

  • Reflect a final time on your time management strategies for this semester. Did anything change since the previous time management reflection at mid-semester? Which strategies do you want to keep for next semester? Which strategies or habits might you want to change?
  • Reflect on the process of moving through this class: brainstorming and ideating, researching, developing a project proposal through several iterations, developing presentations, and developing a prototype. Which assignments or class activities felt most helpful in nudging your project along? What other thoughts do you have on the process, now that you are approaching the end of this proposal phase?
  • Reflect on the feedback you received throughout the semester. Describe how feedback from the panelists, your prof, your peers, and any other faculty who you met with outside of class influenced the development of your project proposal. Which feedback did you find most helpful?
  • Advice for the next cohort. Knowing all that you know now, what advice do you have for the next cohort of students coming into this class?
  • Submit your reflection to me as a PDF via DM on Discord and label the file "Session14-[yourName]-Reflect" (e.g. "Session14-AllisonB-Reflect").

Recommended: Thursday, 12/12 Culmination Poster / Demo Presentations

On Thursday, 12/12 from 1-3 PM, the current cohort of ENT + MTEC Culmination students will present posters and demos of their Culmination projects. Please attend! (To incentivize this further: anyone who attends for at least 30 minutes will receive extra credit.)