Proposal Template - entertainmenttechnology/Berkoy-MTEC3501-Fall2024 GitHub Wiki

Complete a written proposal for your project which includes all headings below in bold, keeping the same heading order. Under each heading on your proposal, complete all information as requested.

Your name.

Working Title.

Project Overview.

  • Give an overview description of your project in 1-3 paragraphs.


  • Include at least 1 sketch for what you anticipate the project looking like. Include more sketches if you feel that this will communicate the project idea more clearly.

Inspiration / Motivation.

  • Why do you want to make it?

Project Scope and Objectives.

  • Define the project outcomes and deliverables (what you will complete and present by the end of the Culmination project course in the following semester).

Precedent Research.

  • Identify three precedent projects with conceptual, technical, and/or aesthetic overlap. For each precedent example, include a link to documentation, brief description of the precedent project (1-3 sentences), how your your project relates to it, and how your project deviates from it.


  • How does your project contribute something new or improve upon something existing?

Target Audience.

  • Who is the intended audience for interacting with or using your project? What is the intended age group or demographic?


  • How do you plan to make it?
  • Is this an individual project or collaboration? If a collaboration, note your specific role and scope of work and your collaborators' roles and scope of work. Note the names of any confirmed collaborators.
  • Outline the specific steps for completing the project. Include your overall design process, research needs, any technical demos or tutorials you anticipate moving through, tools you may use, fabrication needs, testing, iteration, etc.


  • Identify and list any software, hardware, tools, materials, and other resources that you will need for working on this project. Note which items you already have and which items you will need access to.

Budget + Resource Needs.

  • List any items you anticipate purchasing for the project, including a rough cost estimate of each item.
  • List items and resources you anticipate requesting from City Tech (for example, 3d printing or laser cutting in V102 lab, use of the scene shop, borrowing a video camera or shotgun microphone, etc.)
  • List any items or resources for the project you anticipate requesting from outside of City Tech, including if the resource or borrowing arrangement is confirmed.

Skill Inventory.

  • What skills do you already know for completing this project?
  • What skills do you need to research or learn for completing this project?
  • We typically advise that students target their projects to around 75-85% of skills already familiar to them through prior coursework and experiences, with 15-25% of skills to be researched or learned. Does your proposal currently fit within that scope?


  • Create a timeline of major tasks, milestones, and deliverables specific to your project.
  • Keep these dates in mind for our course:
    • Weeks 7-8: Project proposal presentations for faculty panel
    • Weeks 13-14: Project prototype / proof of concept presentations for faculty panel
  • Keep these tentative dates in mind for ENT 4501 Culmination, in the following semester:
    • Weeks 4-5: Project update presentations for faculty panel (30% completion)
    • Weeks 9-10: Culmination project 90% complete + faculty panel presentation
    • Week 13: Culmination project 100% complete + presentation / demo day
    • Weeks 14-15: Individual presentations of completed projects for faculty panel

Challenges / Obstacles.

  • What potential challenges or roadblocks do you foresee in completing this project? How might you solve for them?

Portfolio Goals.

  • How might this project relate to your concentration, career goals, and/or continued academic pursuits such as graduate school?


  • Outside of this class, are there any professors or peers who you have consulted with about this project?
  • Are there any professors who you plan to consult with? If yes, list their names.

Plan for Testable Prototype / Proof of Concept.

  • Give a brief description of your idea for a testable prototype / proof of concept to present towards the end of this semester (completed by week 13). Keep in mind that the prototype should account for about a month's worth of work while showing the feasibility of the project direction.

Additional Details. (This section is optional)

  • Do you have any additional questions or concerns in regards to you project?
  • Are there any additional details that we should know, not already covered above?