Small excursion about external materials and textures [Part_2] - enimaroah/SB3Utility GitHub Wiki

The files are taken from Honey Select release version, but the principle applies to all Unity based games.

Start Sb3UGS and open ca_head_06.unity3d alone.
ca_head_06.unity3d has one external reference which is always shown checked.

If you open another file which is unreferenced then this will be added to the list unchecked. ExternalMatsAndTexs2-02
Here mat_cha_02.unity3d has been opened.

Check that entry to link the current file with this file. The link is one way only. It points to mat_cha_02.unity3d in this case, but mat_cha_02.unity3d will not get linked to ca_head_06.unity3d. You will get a message for this in the Log window.

Open the "Material & Texture Animator" by double clicking some materials and/or textures in mat_cha_02.unity3d.

Switch to ca_head_06.unity3d, open Animator p_acs_head_veil_hut and select MeshRenderer acs_head_veil_hut_base. Open the selection for materials.

When you switch the material to such an external asset the material and textures are not copied into your file. You will not find a tab for Materials and Textures in your file. The submesh just references this material.