New Contents For Studio [Part 2] - enimaroah/SB3Utility GitHub Wiki
Integration and Making of a 3DSE Sound Item - the hard modded way
Such a 3DSE item is like other studio items but plays a sound with diminishing volume according to the distance of the camera. The integration is a little easier than for an AudioClip, but making the contents is harder.
We still need the AssetBundleManifest for loading our list file. We can use the one we already created in the first part. And when we do we can also use our list file and simply add new lists to it.
- In this example the 3DSE group (ID 11) and the original 環境音 category (ID 40) is extended with a new sound item. So in 00.unity3d you would select ItemList_00_11_40 and mark it for copying:
When we mark a source asset for copying it gets underlined.
We paste the marked asset into our list file. It should be renamed to ItemList_18_11_40 for the same reason as had been explained in the first part. The original items ended with ID 756. So our new item may look like this.
- Now the harder part for the contents file begins. Open studio\00.unity3d, then open p_koi_stu_3dse00_00 because it is such a 3DSE sound item and we need the MonoBehaviour[SEComponent] in the root from it.
Where is our AudioClip here? Open that MonoBehaviour[SEComponent] with a double click.
Alright, so we know that it is khse_04. We already know how to "Mark for Copying" which we use now for this AudioClip. Switch to the Snd tab of that file and do so.
Next open a placeholder file. Any AssetBundle file would be okay, preferably one without much contents like studio\38.unity. Use "Paste all Marked" to get the AudioClip into this file. Your selection window of marked assets may still include the list asset, uncheck it. Then open an Animator in the placeholder file.
Select the MonoBehaviour[ItemComponent] and delete it. See "Object Tree Help" at the bottom of the Object Tree for the shortcut. The MeshRenderer should be deleted likewise.
For copying the MonoBehaviour[SEComponent] you can either drag it over to the title of the target Animator and then further down onto the target Transform o_koi_stu_bir03_01, or you can undock that target editor first. Then the drag 'n drop is a little easier. For the latter drag the title of the target editor to another place.
You can double click on the editor title to dock it back where it came from. After deleting and dropping the SEComponent MB the target Animator looks like this:
Great, prepare either your audio file or the AudioClip. Their names need to match when you "Replace ...".
Finally "Save as..." into the folder and with the name you had used in the list entry.