New Contents For Studio [Part 1] - enimaroah/SB3Utility GitHub Wiki

Integrating new contents into studio - the hard modded way

The studio begins with loading all AssetBundleManifest assets. They are stored in files without extension in the abdata folder. But those files are regular AssetBundle files.

In this example we add some sounds. So the AssetBundleManifest file had been named studioNewSounds. image

Attention, this editor requires to "Apply" your changes with the button at the bottom.

This brings us to the counterpart of list files which integrate all other contents like accessories, clothes, heads, animations, etc. For the studio the list files are stored in studio/info. As can be seen in the AssetBundleManifest our list file for new sounds is called NewSounds.unity3d.


  1. Lets begin with VoiceGroup_NewSounds. "VoiceGroup_" must be followed by the list filename without extension. And as "group" suggests it defines the group with a group id and a display name. So this example defines a group with ID 39 and name "Group 39".
  2. VoiceCategory_18_39 has an odd name! Yes, the first number in original category definitions is the filename and original filenames for list entries have only two digits. But those two digits are not tested for validity. You can use any two digits. The second number is our defined group id. So this example defines three categories for group ID 39.
  3. For each category there is a MonoBehaviour with the name pattern of Voice_{group id}_{category id}_00. Each is a list of entries - sounds here. The first line seems to be a comment. The second line is the column header. It is most likely not checked. You could translate it or leave it as it is. But further lines must be filled correctly. This is where you define your items and in this case sounds. The item ID in the first column must be unique only for this category. The following group ID and category ID have to match the list's.


Finally the file with the contents:
