Visa - enggsajjad/psa GitHub Wiki

This page describes matters related to applying and extending your visa.

From Germany

Extending your Visa

From Pakistan

Student Visa

To obtain a residence permit in Germany, you will also need evidence of sufficient funds or scholarships that will cover your living expenses during your study period in Germany. Before getting the admission letter, one thing that you can do is to arrange your finances,as of now (22th March 2016), you need to deposit 7,908 € in a bank account in Germany in your name. As soon as you get your admission letter, the first thing you should do is to go to Deutsche Bank branch in your city with the admission letter, your passport and NIC, the timing of student account Dealing is 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm in Karachi during Winter semester. They will ask you to fill in a form send it to the branch of Deutsche Bank in Hamburg which deals with all student accounts. it is better to send it via TCS or DHL as it takes less time and assured to be delivered there. it takes three waorking days for your form to reach there. as soon as it reaches there, within 4 days you will get account confirmation letter through your email ( you l must provide email in account opening form). Once you have details, now you can transfer your amount into your account. You can transfer your amount if any of your relatives has foreign currency account or via money exchangers. Remember that money exchanger will charge you Rs.2.5 per euro to be sent to Germany besides its fees normally Rs.1000. Amount is transferred within two days. Addition to the 7,908 €, an amount of 20-30 € will be deducted as account opening fees. so keep that margin also. even if u don't keep, it doesn't matter.3-4 days after you transfer the money, you will get the balance statement via email. if you don't have much time, you can apply for visa with the receipt of the money exchanger and swift statement, the consulate accepts this, they themselves will verify the amount in your account.

Remember The amount you transfer will be blocked for one year and neither can it be drawn it once nor can be transferred any where else. You can only draw ~ 659 € per month. you can download the visa requirements and visa application forms from following websites:

German Consulate in Karachi (for Sindh and Baluchistan residents)

German Embassy in Islamabad (for Punjab and KPK residents)

Check the Visa Requirements. Fill in the application forms. there is no appointment system at German Consulate in Karachi, where as you need to take appointment at German Embassy in Islamabad if your applying for Winter Semester, in summer semester there is no appointment in German embassy in Islamabad ( my friend didn't take appointment when he applied for summer semester). please reach there on time as they process only 22 applications per day including student visa.

The student visa fees if 60 €. This can be paid in Pakistani Rupees. Embassy & Consulate addresses in Pakistan.

Researcher Visa

Visit Visa

Blue Card Visa

Family Reunion Visa

Section 27 and 28 of the Residence Act contain provisions on the immigration of family members for the purpose of famiy reunion. These provisions apply to spouses, children partners who wish to come to Germany. The processingS time is about 4 to 6 weeks. Concerning the family reunion with German nationals few changes have been made to the new Residence Act. In principle, foreign spouses etc. and minor, unmarried children are entitled to join their German relative regardless if their livelihood is secured. However, the issuing of a residence permit for the subsequent immigration of dependents may be refused if the person to be joined by his or her dependents is reliant on social welfare for the maintenance of other foreign dependents or other foreign members in his or her household (section 27 (3)). Nevertheless, despite of the reliance on social benefits, article 6 of the German Basic Law (i.e. the German constitution) which protects marriage and the family, may lead to the granting of a residence title (see section 28.1.1. of the Draft General Information by the German Interior Ministry on how to apply the Residence Act).

Family members receive a residence permit for three years according to which they can take up employment. After three years, they may be granted a permanent settlement permit if the family household with the German continues to exist, there are no grounds for expulsion and the foreigner is able to communicate verbally in the German language on a basic level. The residence permit shall otherwise be extended as long as the family household continues to exist.

According to section 31 of the Residence Act, in the event of the termination of marital cohabitation the spouse has an independent right of residence in three cases: if the marital cohabitation has lawfully existed in Germany for at least two years or the German spouse has died while marital cohabitation existed. Lastly, there can be granted an independent right of residence in order to avoid particular hardship. Such cases of hardship may occur when women, for instance, are forced to leave their husbands after being subjected to domestic violence. But, the extension of the residence permit may be refused if the spouse is reliant on social welfare for reasons for which he or she is responsible.

for more detail please visit

Processing time 4 to 6 months (according to consulate website)


The interview is usually held on the same day, if not the the other day. If they want to reject your visa application, than they do it after investigation and process in Pakistan. If you got the passport back with a stamp of Antrag Erhalten (Request for), that means your application along with your documents has been sent to Germany for further inquiry. If that happens, then applicant have 95 percent chance to get visa within a month. The consulate will call you when they get the clearance, or you can call and inquire. When the clearance has been done, they will ask you to bring back your passport (if you had taken it back earlier) along with a ticket and travel insurance.( at Khi consulate insurance is mandatory, about embassy in Islamabad. This insurance is just for your travel period and different than the health insurance which you have to get here in Germany after your arrival. Usually they ask for one months travel insurance. The insurance can be had from one of the companies listed on the consulate's/embassy's website more detail

Note: Interview is not at all difficult, just simple questions, why Germany, Why this university, about family members, if not fresh, work experience, what will you do after completing the studies. My suggestion is that never let them assume that you will be staying there after completing your studies. You can collect your passport back after 7 days, they give you the date. If not, no problem. It might take about 1.5 months or more for visa clearance, but usually one gets visa with 3 weeks if all the requirements are fulfilled you have good luck :). Book your ticket in advance, i.e. your intended day of departure. one gets ticket easily but on safe side do booking as booking costs nothing. After you provide them with insurance and ticket (must be 10 days margin from the date you go to submit your ticket and insurance otherwise there will be problem of issuance of visa). They might ask you to come back after one week to take your passport back with the student visa stamped. If your classes are starting early then you may ask the visa officer to speed up the process or ask your international office person or course coordinator to ask them to process the visa faster so that you may make it within time. The student visa granted is for 3 months. After coming to Germany, you have to apply for residence permit. The rejection ratio of student visas is very low for Germany and if you fulfill all the requirements, you can be pretty sure you will get the visa. Here are some tips.

  1. Good Sleep
  2. Always be Punctual
  3. Prepare all the documents
  4. Dress up Neatly
  5. Always be attentive
  6. Always be Patient
  7. Make a list of your questions
  8. Always ask Politely
  9. Always speak Clearly

Interview Question

  • How many universities did you apply for?

  • What is your specialization?

  • Which Universities (both admits and rejects) did you apply to?

  • Which universities accepted you?

  • What is the reason you choose this university? How you find about this university?

  • Why do you want to study in Germany/ Why you do not want to study in UK/USA?

  • Where did you do your bachelor's degree from?

  • What is your Undergraduate GPA/Percentage?

  • Can you tell me some details about your university?

  • Can you mention the names of some professors?

  • Have you ever been to the Germany/Europe?

  • How can you prove that you will come back after finishing your studies?

  • (If you are currently working) Why are you leaving your current job?

  • Why do you wish to study in the Germany and not in Pakistan?

  • Could you please show me your A1/A2/GRE/TOEFL/IELTS scorecard?

  • What will you do after completing BS/MS?

  • What are your plans after graduation?

  • Do you know anyone (in Germany) or in your University?

  • What do you plan to study at the university?

  • What will you do if your visa is rejected?

  • Will you come back to home during summers?

  • What will you do after coming back to home? (If you have changed the field of specialization, e.g., you have bachelor's degree in Mechanical engineering and are going for masters in computer science)

  • Why do you want to change your major?

  • What is the reason you selected this course? Is this course relevant to your previous studies?

  • Isn’t this course is offered by any college or university in your country?

  • What steps have you taken to ensure that you will be able to perform well in the new field you wish to change to?

  • Why do you think the university is giving scholarship to you?

  • (If you are going for higher studies after working for some time) Can I see your work experience certificate(s)?

  • Did you receive any scholarships?

  • Why haven't you received any scholarship?

  • Have you received any loans?

  • Do you have any relatives in Germany?

  • Who is sponsoring you? / Who is you sponsor for your education?

  • What does your father/uncle do?

  • What is your father's/uncle's annual income?

  • What is the reason he sponsor you? (this question will be asked when your sponsor is not your father)

  • How many brothers and sisters do you have?

  • Are your parents retired? If yes, how will they pay for your education expenses?

  • What you will intend to do in the off period or off semester?

  • Could you please show me the passbook or bank statements?

  • Where did your brother/parents complete their studies?

  • You have xx brothers and sisters so your father's savings are for all, how will he finance you?

  • Where do your parents live (if they live in Germany)?

  • How will you finance your education funds for 2 years or 3 years? (Generally you have to prove that you can fund the first year of your education but we suggest that you be prepared with this answer).

  • Do you have a brother / sister, or any other relative already at this university?

  • How much money you have for your stay in Germany?