Student Jobs - enggsajjad/psa GitHub Wiki

This pages describes the matter related to the students jobs.

Well majority of the students coming to Germany are from Middle Class background, so the first thing came in our minds is about part time jobs, even people start to think about that before applying for the visa or even before getting admission in University.

BUT, PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! First Focus on your studies.

In this document I will give u some tips and tactics to find and get a part time job in Germany on the basis of my experience.

One other thing most students are interested in knowing about are student jobs. Students are allowed to work upto 20 Hours/week in Germany. Also, there is a condition on the number of days you may work during an year. This is limited to 90 full days or 180 half days (according to press release from Federal Ministry of the Interior dated 31. July 2012, Students are now allowed to work for 120 days or 240 half days in a year). In addition, you can be employed as a student assistant (studentische/ wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft) in the University.

Almost all student jobs available in Germany are related to programming. So if you intend to work here to bear your expenses, you should be good in atleast one programming language, data analysis, etc. You may work either a university institute or at a company. Both have some pros and cons. At a company, you get paid higher but the working hours are strict. At university institutes, the pay rates are slightly lower but the advantages are great: flexible working hours, can work from home (which you may also do on weekends), easy to stop working before exams (university supervisors will never say no if you need time for studies before exams). One other great advantage is that the work you do at a university institute does not deduct your 90 full (180 half) or according to new lay 120 full (240 half) days allowed per year.

University notice boards usually host student job postings. Almost all notices are in German. But this is not that big an issue even if you don't know German. With a little bit help from the internet, you can understand them. Note the requirements and email addresses of the contact person(s) and send them your CV (Lebenslauf) by email. Try to keep the length of the CV restricted to one page. Include only relevant information.

Student job advertisements are also there on University Job Website. On the search for a student job, it is also worthwhile to regularly check the web pages of the university departments and central services for job offers (usually under links for “job offers” or “news”). You may also contact people by email before arriving to Germany and meet them when you are here so that you may have a job as quickly as possible (although this is not possible in all cases). If you intend to start your job as soon as possible, you should apply for residence permit as soon as you can since this is one of the requirements for student jobs.

Finding a student job may take some time. It also depends on their availability on the German city where you are coming for studies. In some cities, students find jobs quickly within the first few months while in others, it might take more than one semester. Availability of student jobs is one factor to consider when choosing a university if you cannot fulfill your expenses without them. Secondly you have to improve your German Language skills to find jobs.


  • Students are allowed to work 80hr per month.
  • Bydefault the Tax Class is 1.
  • In vacations, students can also work beyond 80hr per month.
  • There is no tax deduction if you are earning 520EUR per month. If you earn beyond this amount, the tax deductions will be accordingly, see here.
  • Normally, the hourly rate for bachelor is 12, for master is 15 and for PhD studetns it is 17 EUR per hour. But it varies from company to company. There are two categories of part time jobs:

HiWi: "Hilfswissenschaftler" (research assistant)

  • The Most Recommended
  • These kind of jobs will enhance your expertise
  • will benifit you in getting thesis/job in future
  • less laborious, and can work from home

If you are good in any of the programming languages or have any technical skills, then you have bright and clear chances to have a hiwi jobs in Research institutes and also as an assistant of Professors or Doctoral Students. Attention: - These jobs are also very highly competitive and you have to prove your abilities and expertise. After you got one, then there are bright chances of getting more hiwis in future, and getting a good thesis and ultimately a brighter job oppertunity. About earnings it depends upon the project, number of hours, and hourly rate.

Where to find HiWi

HiWi at KIT

  • The decision on the selection and employment of student/research assistants in the university task of the KIT is assigned to the respective institutions that manage the necessary financial resources. In the case of financing via the large-scale research task, the contract is drawn up via PSE.
  • The employment takes place in temporary, non-tariff employment relationships with less than half of the regular working hours of employees in the public sector (= max. 85 hours/month).
  • If the assistant has another paid job in addition to their work at KIT, they can only work if all of the activities performed at the same time are below the hourly limit of 19.75 hours/week.
  • Please note the changes due to the PS resolution of November 28th, 2022. Implementation of the new BAG case law:
    • Contracts can only be concluded with assistants who are not enrolled in a bachelor's or master's program for a minimum of 43 hours per month. The minimum scope must also be observed for doctoral students who are enrolled at KIT.
    • Reason for the minimum limit in the constellations mentioned: The limitation of employment contracts according to § 2 Para. 1 WissZeitVG is only permissible with more than a quarter of the regular working hours (basis 39.5 hours/week or 171.75 hou
    • Exceptions to this are only possible if a scholarship is received at the same time, the additional income limit of which only allows a fewer hours than 43 hours/month and if the scholarship and auxiliary activities are separate in terms of content.
    • If there are several employment contracts in different OUs, the minimum scope of 43 hours per month must be observed in the chronological summary of all contracts. However, it should be noted that splitting up the different institutes makes sense with regard to the purpose of the qualification.
    • Assistants who already have a university degree and are no longer enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree. If you are enrolled in a doctoral program, a time limit must also be set according to § 2 Para. 1 WissZeitVG. i.e.,

2.1 In addition to working as a student assistant, no paid internship may be carried out at KIT, no thesis may be written in an external employment relationship for payment, and no KIT scholarship may be paid. In the case of external scholarships (e.g. DAAD), the corresponding additional income limits must be checked on the basis of the evidence to be submitted before the contract is signed.

  • If anything is unclear, please get in touch with the PSE contact person before concluding the contract [email protected].

Odd Jobs

After HiWis these jobs are easy to get and it’s very easy money for students, and a student can get around 500-1000 euros more or less per month. Best Common jobs Destination are:

  • Subway, McDonalds, Burger King etc.
  • Packaging companies etc.
  • Pakistani/Indian Restaurants
  • Food Delivery, e.g., Lieferando, Flink etc.