Uninstallation Guide - engagesquared/microsoft-teams-apps-company-communicator GitHub Wiki

Steps to uninstall

Step One: Uninstall Company communicator User Application

Required user role: Any user

  1. Go to the Company communicator app in the left action bar of Teams.
  2. Click Uninstall

Step Two: Uninstall Company communicator Author Application

  1. Go to the Company communicator Author app in the teams channel.
  2. Click on Company communicator tab.
  3. Click Remove


Step Three: Uninstall apps from Teams App Catalog

Required user role: Teams Administrator

  1. Open Teams Admin Center
  2. Go to "Teams apps" => "Manage apps" in left navigation panel. Find "Company communicator" app using search. image.png
  3. Open app by clicking on the app name and delete it using Delete button as on the screenshot below: image.png

Step Three: Remove Azure resources

Required user role: Resource group owner + AAD App owner

  1. Open Azure Management Portal
  2. Open Resource groups.
  3. Find resource group which was used during deployment and remove all resources created there by deployment script or delete the resource group: image.png
  4. Go to Azure Active Directory -> App registrations -> Owned applications. Find "Company communicator" and "Company communicator Author" in the list, and remove them.