Smoke Test - engagesquared/microsoft-teams-apps-company-communicator GitHub Wiki

Step One: Create draft message

  1. Go to the Author app.
  2. Click New message image.png
  3. The task module should be open. image.png
  4. Fill requered fields and click Next.
  5. Choose how you want to send your message.
  6. Click Save as draft.
  7. The draft message should be created.

Step Two: Send draft message

  1. Go to the Author app.
  2. Find draft message.
  3. Click on ellipsis icon. image.png
  4. Select Send option.
  5. The task module should be open.
  6. Click on Send button.
  7. The draft message should be sent.

Step Three: Edit draft message

  1. Go to the Author app.
  2. Find draft message.
  3. Click on ellipsis icon. image.png
  4. Select Edit option.
  5. The task module should be open.
  6. Change form fields and click Next.
  7. Choose how you want to send your message.
  8. Click Save as draft.
  9. The draft message should be updated.

Step Four: Delete draft message

  1. Go to the Author app.
  2. Find draft message.
  3. Click on ellipsis icon. image.png
  4. Select Delete option.
  5. The draft message should be deleted.

Step Five: Edit sent message

  1. Go to the Author app.
  2. Find sent message.
  3. Click on ellipsis icon. image.png
  4. Select Edit option.
  5. The task module should be open.
  6. Change form fields and click Save.
  7. The sent message should be updated.

Step Six: Delete sent message

  1. Go to the Author app.
  2. Find sent message.
  3. Click on ellipsis icon. image.png
  4. Select Delete option.
  5. The sent message should be deleted.

Step Seven: View message history

  1. Go to the User app.
  2. Click on History tab. image.png
  3. You should see list of messages that should be recevied by you. You also should see messages that was sent to you before you added a User app.

Step Eight: Resize image

  1. Go to the Author app.
  2. Click New message image.png
  3. The task module should be open.
  4. Enter image URL in Image URL field.
  5. Additional field Image size should be appear. image.png
  6. You should be able to resize the image.

Step Nine: Use markdown in message summary

  1. Go to the Author app.
  2. Click New message image.png
  3. The task module should be open.
  4. Enter markdown text into Summary field.
  5. You should be able to see processed text. image.png