Localization - emanzione/PATCH GitHub Wiki

Both Launcher and Admin Tool are localizable.

Launcher localization

You just need to create a new class that implements the IUpdaterLocalizedMessages interface. You can find the sample for English on MHLab/Patch/Launcher/Scripts/Localization/EnglishUpdaterLocalizedMessages.cs.

When you implemented your own localized class, you can inject it into the UpdatingContext object:

_context = new UpdatingContext(settings, progress);
_context.LocalizedMessages = new YourAwesomeLanguageUpdaterLocalizedMessages();

You can take a look at it in Launcher.cs script in Initialize method.

Admin Tool localization

You just need to create a new class that implements the IAdminLocalizedMessages interface. You can find the sample for English on MHLab/Patch/Admin/Editor/Localization/EnglishAdminLocalizedMessages.cs.

When you implemented your own localized class, you can inject it into context objects:

_context = new AdminBuildContext(settings, progress);
// or new AdminPatchContext(settings, progress);
// or new AdminPatcherUpdateContext(settings, progress);
_context.LocalizedMessages = new YourAwesomeLanguageAdminLocalizedMessages();

You can take a look at it in AdminWindow.cs script in InitializeSettings method.


You can contribute to localize PATCH in your language: I exposed interfaces and other localization files in this folder. Check it out and make a pull request!