Org cite tips - emacs-citar/citar GitHub Wiki

CVs and annotated bibliographies

Posted on reddit, a very cool solution, that should be easily-adapted for CVs, annotated bibliographies, or reading lists. This solution should also work in the csl and natbib export processors:

#+title: CV
#+cite_export: biblatex 
#+bibliography: /path/to/my.bib

Some text here. [cite/n:@*]


UI config

A completion UI with latex commands

The default style editing UI should be self-explanatory enough, and I have plans to improve it in time. But if you're a hardcore latex users who really would prefer to see the natbib or biblatex commands in the completion UI, you can do something like this:

(defvar cmd-style
  '(("citet"  . "/t")
    ("citep" . "/")
    ("Citet" . "/t/c")))

(defun my/citar-natbib-style-choose ()
  (let ((choice
          (completing-read "natbib command: " cmd-style)))
    (cdr (assoc choice cmd-style))))
