BeeSourceful - ellbristow/Ellitopia-Modpack GitHub Wiki
BeeSourceful is a mod that adds bees which produce resources such as Iron, Diamonds and Emeralds.
Bee Nests containing resource-producing bees will be found in caves, ravines etc. in locations near where their normal resources would be found (however due to the existence of the Geolosys mod, resources spawn differently in Ellitopia)
Bee Types
Iron Gold Diamond Emerald Lapiz Ender and Quartz
These bees will need flowers to survive just like the vanilla ones. However instead of making honey they will produce different honey combs, that can be used in a Centrifuge to separate out The materials it's made of. But for this process you'll also need a bottle for the occasional honey. All combs has a 20% chance of making honey, but 100% chance of making their own resource eg. iron comb makes 1 iron ingot.
Another way these bees also produce their specified ore is by simply converting Stone/Netherack/Endstone into the ore they make. This happens by chance(quite often) The mod also adds a "Iron Beehive" which basically acts like a normal Beehive. It has room for 3 bees, but only supports the modded bees. They will not be able to enter a vanilla Beehive.
If you want to check out the authors page click here
Quartz bee
This bee is spawning in the nether. But for some reason it's spawning in ender nest. This means that when the bee is out of the nest it can't go back in. So you'll need a Bee Hive for it