Export Interlinear Data - eliranwong/UniqueBible GitHub Wiki

View & Export Interlinear Data

This feature is accessible through UBA menu and context plugins "Interlinear Data"

How to use?

  1. Open "Interlinear Data" window from menu > plugins > Interlinear Data:

  2. Enter a bible verse reference in its search field to view interlinear data on a particular verse.

Work on Selected Text

This feature is also available as a context plugin, which works on selected text from either Bible Window or Study Window.

  1. Select a bible verse reference

[Remarks: Use standard parsing if you want to parse mixed text. Read: https://github.com/eliranwong/UniqueBible/wiki/Verse-parsing#remarks]

  1. Right-click

  2. Select plugins > Interlinear Data

Export to Spreadsheet

You can export the data in a spreadsheet by clicking the "Export to Spreadsheet" button.

The plugins use three different possible ways to export a spreadsheet for users.#

  • Package 'openpyxl' is used by default [UBA will try to install 'openpyxl' for user if it is not installed.]

  • 'xlsxwriter' is used if 'openpyxl' is not installed. [UBA will try to install 'xlsxwriter' for user if it is not installed.]

  • *.csv file is exported instead of *.xlsx file if neither 'xlsxwriter' or 'openpyxl' is installed.

Exported file location

The spreadsheet exported by menu plugin "Interlinear Data" is located:

"UniqueBible/plugins/menu/Interlinear Data.xlsx" or "UniqueBible/plugins/menu/Interlinear Data.csv"

The spreadsheet exported by context plugin "Interlinear Data" is located:

"UniqueBible/plugins/context/Interlinear Data.xlsx" or "UniqueBible/plugins/context/Interlinear Data.csv"