Charts - eliranwong/UniqueBible GitHub Wiki

Charts and Table

With context plugin "Charts and Table", you can generate:

  • a bar chart
  • a pie chart
  • a table

based on bible references found in the text selection.

The generated charts and table show bible reference distribution by books.

This feature work on any text content displayed on Bible / Study Window.

With text selection

With text selection, charts generated are based on bible verse reference(s) in the selected text, if any.

  1. Select text from Bible / Study Window

  2. Right-click

  3. Select "plugins > Charts and Table"

Without text selection

Without text selection, charts generated are based on bible verse reference(s) in the whole text displayed on a Bible / Study Window tab.

  1. Right-click on a Bible / Study Window tab

  2. Select "plugins > Charts and Table"


For example, a table, a pie chart and a bar chart are generated from cross-references result of Psalm 72:2.

When PySide6 is used, UBA uses QChart to display pie chart and bar chart.

When PySide2 or PyQt5 is used, UBA uses HTML to display pie chart and bar chart.

Compare books or chapters

When selected text contains bible references from more than one book, the plugins generates charts and a table to compare occurrence in books.

When selected text contains references of a single book only, the plugin generates charts and table to compare occurrence in chapters instead.

Quick Access with Material menu layout toolbar

Material menu layout toolbar provides an icon button for quick access of "Charts and Table" feature.

Clicking this button to generate charts and table based on text in the following priority:

  1. Text selection in the Bible Window
  2. Text selection in the Study Window
  3. Text content in the Study Window