Recall - elBukkit/MagicPlugin GitHub Wiki

The Recall Action

The Recall action, which powers the Recall spell in the survival configs, can be used to set up a collectable waypoint system.

Setting Up Warps

You can create magic warps with the /mwarp command. Any warps with an icon assigned will automatically show up in Recall.

For instance, to add a new warp you can do:

/mwarp add airtemple
/mwarp name airtemple Air Nomad Temple
/mwarp configure airtemple icon string

It will immediately show up in all players' Recall menus.

If you would prefer players to have to discover these warps or otherwise unlock them, you can use /mwarp configure airtemple locked true

Unlocking Warps

The "warpunlock" spell can be used to unlock a warp for a player. It can be done with a command, like this:

/castp <player> warpunlock unlock chicago

Giving the name of the warp to unlock.

This can be used in combination with WorldGuard regions and the WorldGuardExtraFlags plugin. Make a region around the warp area, and add the following flag:

region flag chicago -w world console-command-on-entry /castp %username% warpunlock unlock chicago

Then the warp will unlock for a player when they enter the region.

Using CommandBook and Essentials Warps

If you would prefer to use Essentials or CommandBook as your warp system, you can add their warps to Recall as well.

You just need to edit the spell config and add the warps manually, like this:

        icon: iron_nugget
        name: Chicago Warzone
        description: Leave this world
        locked: true

Add an entry under "warps" for each warp you want to show in the menu. You can give each warp an icon or an icon_url.

The "locked" parameter specifies that a warp is not available to a player until they unlock it.

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