FANN cascade_train - eiichiromomma/CVMLAB GitHub Wiki

(FANN) cascade_train



    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "fann.h"
    int main()
      struct fann *ann;
      struct fann_train_data *train_data, *test_data;
      const float desired_error = (const float) 0.001;
      unsigned int max_neurons = 40;
      unsigned int neurons_between_reports = 1;
      printf("Reading data.\n");
      train_data = fann_read_train_from_file("../benchmarks/datasets/two-spiral.train");
      test_data = fann_read_train_from_file("../benchmarks/datasets/two-spiral.test");
      fann_scale_train_data(train_data, 0, 1);
      fann_scale_train_data(test_data, 0, 1);
      printf("Creating network.\n");
      ann = fann_create_shortcut(2, fann_num_input_train_data(train_data), fann_num_output_train_data(train_data));
      fann_set_training_algorithm(ann, FANN_TRAIN_RPROP);
      fann_set_activation_function_hidden(ann, FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC);
      fann_set_activation_function_output(ann, FANN_LINEAR_PIECE);
      fann_set_train_error_function(ann, FANN_ERRORFUNC_LINEAR);
      printf("Training network.\n");
      fann_cascadetrain_on_data(ann, train_data, max_neurons, neurons_between_reports, desired_error);
      printf("\nTrain error: %f, Test error: %f\n\n", fann_test_data(ann, train_data),
    	 fann_test_data(ann, test_data));
      printf("Saving network.\n");
      fann_save(ann, "");
      printf("Cleaning up.\n");
      return 0;


192 2 1
0.296027 0.703973 
0.385146 0.671890 
0.401172 0.352095 



Input layer                          :   2 neurons, 1 bias
Output layer                         :   1 neurons
Total neurons and biases             :   4
Total connections                    :   3
Connection rate                      :   1.000
Shortcut connections                 :   1
Training algorithm                   :   FANN_TRAIN_RPROP
Training error function              :   FANN_ERRORFUNC_LINEAR
Training stop function               :   FANN_STOPFUNC_MSE
Learning rate                        :   0.700
Learning momentum                    :   0.000
Quickprop decay                      :  -0.000100
Quickprop mu                         :   1.750
RPROP increase factor                :   1.200
RPROP decrease factor                :   0.500
RPROP delta min                      :   0.000
RPROP delta max                      :  50.000
Cascade output change fraction       :   0.010000
Cascade candidate change fraction    :   0.010000
Cascade output stagnation epochs     :  12
Cascade candidate stagnation epochs  :  12
Cascade max output epochs            : 150
Cascade max candidate epochs         : 150
Cascade weight multiplier            :   0.400
Cascade candidate limit              :1000.000
Cascade activation functions[0]      :   FANN_SIGMOID
Cascade activation functions[1]      :   FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC
Cascade activation functions[2]      :   FANN_GAUSSIAN
Cascade activation functions[3]      :   FANN_GAUSSIAN_SYMMETRIC
Cascade activation functions[4]      :   FANN_ELLIOT
Cascade activation functions[5]      :   FANN_ELLIOT_SYMMETRIC
Cascade activation steepnesses[0]    :   0.250
Cascade activation steepnesses[1]    :   0.500
Cascade activation steepnesses[2]    :   0.750
Cascade activation steepnesses[3]    :   1.000
Cascade candidate groups             :   2
Cascade no. of candidates            :  48



Layer / Neuron 012345678901234567890123456789012
L   1 / N    3 ZeD..............................
L   2 / N    4 jBAi.............................
L   3 / N    5 ezJZZ............................
L   4 / N    6 ddbeAZ...........................
L   5 / N    7 ddAzZhh..........................
L   6 / N    8 fdAzKysd.........................
L   7 / N    9 AAaABAAAB........................
L   8 / N   10 bccFMfIZeZ.......................
L   9 / N   11 caAaEBaCCbC......................
L  10 / N   12 CcaZzBlbzzLo.....................
L  11 / N   13 aABcCCbbglbBA....................
L  12 / N   14 albcTjcazBleBB...................
L  13 / N   15 BBBBZZRKbcACaEg..................
L  14 / N   16 BbACEAbMqKaAabFC.................
L  15 / N   17 BbaBcABdSfbbbAnCc................
L  16 / N   18 afbzzczQzkAbCBzCBB...............
L  17 / N   19 aAaacbABBfbAAAgbbbC..............
L  18 / N   20 AaabHbaEmaaaBbedCaHc.............
L  19 / N   21 abARZbEOGBBDbBzBBCNaC............
L  20 / N   22 afaCzczCUfjAaAzzBbaaac...........
L  21 / N   23 AABJECbAGZMaBJZGAACbANJ..........
L  22 / N   24 BdazzezzzMbaACpzaafbazCE.........
L  23 / N   25 baazbzzzbbzaAbzDAczEazzdn........
L  24 / N   26 cbazhdzcdlbAaazCACdBbzbcqD.......
L  25 / N   27 cbazhAzzaBkbBCzzaBzaBzzBazL......
L  26 / N   28 BBBCdCzLFZCbCDWcaBIbcBzBSbZA.....
L  27 / N   29 acabzzzZOdzCabzzCBGCabzzzeDDz....
L  28 / N   30 cBAqgzamazzABazEbAzbamBafuzzBz...
L  29 / N   31 AaAZZOECdAcAaAxCbCEfBhDbCbcgCCZ..
L  30 / N   32 AfaIzbzfAmyaABdFaAybCbzCwMFckzza.
L  31 / N   33 BcbzFmZzDZeceBZHcBOdbMuDPPOkGeZcI

Train error: 0.000021, Test error: 0.113035



Saving network.
Input layer                          :   2 neurons, 1 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
  Hidden layer                       :   1 neurons, 0 bias
Output layer                         :   1 neurons
Total neurons and biases             :  34
Total connections                    : 558
Connection rate                      :   1.000
Shortcut connections                 :   1
Training algorithm                   :   FANN_TRAIN_RPROP
Training error function              :   FANN_ERRORFUNC_LINEAR
Training stop function               :   FANN_STOPFUNC_MSE
Learning rate                        :   0.700
Learning momentum                    :   0.000
Quickprop decay                      :  -0.000100
Quickprop mu                         :   1.750
RPROP increase factor                :   1.200
RPROP decrease factor                :   0.500
RPROP delta min                      :   0.000
RPROP delta max                      :  50.000
Cascade output change fraction       :   0.010000
Cascade candidate change fraction    :   0.010000
Cascade output stagnation epochs     :  12
Cascade candidate stagnation epochs  :  12
Cascade max output epochs            : 150
Cascade max candidate epochs         : 150
Cascade weight multiplier            :   0.400
Cascade candidate limit              :1000.000
Cascade activation functions[0]      :   FANN_SIGMOID
Cascade activation functions[1]      :   FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC
Cascade activation functions[2]      :   FANN_GAUSSIAN
Cascade activation functions[3]      :   FANN_GAUSSIAN_SYMMETRIC
Cascade activation functions[4]      :   FANN_ELLIOT
Cascade activation functions[5]      :   FANN_ELLIOT_SYMMETRIC
Cascade activation steepnesses[0]    :   0.250
Cascade activation steepnesses[1]    :   0.500
Cascade activation steepnesses[2]    :   0.750
Cascade activation steepnesses[3]    :   1.000
Cascade candidate groups             :   2
Cascade no. of candidates            :  48



Training network.
Max neurons  40. Desired error: 0.001000
Neurons       1. Current error: 0.247635. Total error: 47.5459. Epochs    56. Bit fail 192
Neurons       2. Current error: 0.242957. Total error: 46.6477. Epochs   320. Bit fail 186. candidate steepness 0.50. function FANN_GAUSSIAN
Neurons       3. Current error: 0.240952. Total error: 46.2627. Epochs   574. Bit fail 186. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_SIGMOID
Neurons       4. Current error: 0.232480. Total error: 44.6362. Epochs   775. Bit fail 176. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_ELLIOT
Neurons       5. Current error: 0.221806. Total error: 42.5867. Epochs   961. Bit fail 171. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_GAUSSIAN
Neurons       6. Current error: 0.213415. Total error: 40.9758. Epochs  1204. Bit fail 161. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_SIGMOID
Neurons       7. Current error: 0.205998. Total error: 39.5516. Epochs  1504. Bit fail 153. candidate steepness 0.50. function FANN_GAUSSIAN
Neurons       8. Current error: 0.204457. Total error: 39.2557. Epochs  1713. Bit fail 143. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC
Neurons       9. Current error: 0.192103. Total error: 36.8839. Epochs  1904. Bit fail 126. candidate steepness 0.50. function FANN_GAUSSIAN
Neurons      10. Current error: 0.182559. Total error: 35.0513. Epochs  2157. Bit fail 127. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_GAUSSIAN_SYMMETRIC
Neurons      11. Current error: 0.171901. Total error: 33.0049. Epochs  2404. Bit fail  84. candidate steepness 0.50. function FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC
Neurons      12. Current error: 0.163253. Total error: 31.3447. Epochs  2649. Bit fail  93. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_GAUSSIAN_SYMMETRIC
Neurons      13. Current error: 0.160835. Total error: 30.8803. Epochs  2877. Bit fail  86. candidate steepness 0.50. function FANN_SIGMOID
Neurons      14. Current error: 0.151457. Total error: 29.0798. Epochs  3090. Bit fail  77. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_GAUSSIAN
Neurons      15. Current error: 0.136264. Total error: 26.1626. Epochs  3338. Bit fail  69. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_GAUSSIAN_SYMMETRIC
Neurons      16. Current error: 0.127493. Total error: 24.4787. Epochs  3561. Bit fail  60. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_GAUSSIAN_SYMMETRIC
Neurons      17. Current error: 0.120770. Total error: 23.1879. Epochs  3829. Bit fail  54. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_SIGMOID
Neurons      18. Current error: 0.113881. Total error: 21.8651. Epochs  4029. Bit fail  60. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_GAUSSIAN_SYMMETRIC
Neurons      19. Current error: 0.102948. Total error: 19.7661. Epochs  4259. Bit fail  51. candidate steepness 0.75. function FANN_GAUSSIAN_SYMMETRIC
Neurons      20. Current error: 0.084112. Total error: 16.1496. Epochs  4556. Bit fail  40. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_GAUSSIAN
Neurons      21. Current error: 0.076130. Total error: 14.6169. Epochs  4832. Bit fail  36. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_SIGMOID
Neurons      22. Current error: 0.068355. Total error: 13.1241. Epochs  5065. Bit fail  30. candidate steepness 0.75. function FANN_GAUSSIAN
Neurons      23. Current error: 0.058445. Total error: 11.2215. Epochs  5310. Bit fail  23. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_SIGMOID
Neurons      24. Current error: 0.046348. Total error:  8.8988. Epochs  5599. Bit fail  21. candidate steepness 0.75. function FANN_SIGMOID
Neurons      25. Current error: 0.035114. Total error:  6.7418. Epochs  5899. Bit fail  15. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_SIGMOID
Neurons      26. Current error: 0.027708. Total error:  5.3199. Epochs  6199. Bit fail  12. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_SIGMOID
Neurons      27. Current error: 0.017783. Total error:  3.4143. Epochs  6471. Bit fail   8. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_GAUSSIAN
Neurons      28. Current error: 0.013958. Total error:  2.6800. Epochs  6771. Bit fail   6. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_SIGMOID
Neurons      29. Current error: 0.006293. Total error:  1.2082. Epochs  7071. Bit fail   3. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_SIGMOID
Neurons      30. Current error: 0.002894. Total error:  0.5557. Epochs  7371. Bit fail   1. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_GAUSSIAN
Neurons      31. Current error: 0.000964. Total error:  0.1851. Epochs  7559. Bit fail   0. candidate steepness 1.00. function FANN_SIGMOID
Train outputs    Current error: 0.000022. Epochs   7709
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️