Created a scalable on-premises web service that submits billing charges from internal systems to the company cloud-based ERP system
Business need: to eliminate manual errors and save hours of manual processing by centralizing and automating monthly billing
Researched and selected the solution’s technology stack, architected and implemented the software solution, and owned its ongoing SDLC
The service exposes a REST API and logs, validates, transforms, and submits automated billing charges by consuming the ERP’s SOAP API
Created an HTTP client library for client applications to reference allowing them to interact with simple POCOs to consume this internal web service
Deployed a standalone (on-premises) Azure Service Fabric cluster to host the stateless reliable web service
Currently migrating this solution to Azure to support international workloads, automating resource management with PowerShell and ARM templates
C#, .NET Framework, ASP.NET MVC Core, Azure Service Fabric, web API supporting XML and JSON, NetSuite’s SuiteTalk SOAP web service and XSD
Overhauled a legacy application eliminating manual processing errors and saving the operations department hundreds of man-hours annually
Major refactoring: removed dead code, refactored existing core functionality to reduce dependencies and enable safely adding key functionality
Implemented bulk processing in parallel enabling users to run the app unattended and reducing processing time to a fraction of the original time
C#, .NET Framework, Windows Forms, TPL, Cooperative Cancellation
New Web API Collaboration
Worked with the team’s architect on the design of a new fairly complex REST style web API over a server-side piece that was planned for serving various thin web UI clients
Research of Modern Web UI Frameworks and Libraries
Our team was considering integrating modern web UI technologies into our existing stack in a targeted, value-based fashion
We hoped to gain benefits such as rapid UI development, prototyping, clean code, improved code reuse, and a higher degree of interactivity in our application UIs where practical
Researched general design techniques and principles such as
server-side vs client-side rendering, mobile first design, two-way vs one-way data binding, client-side routing, client-side state management, isomorphic rendering, transpilation, JavaScript Module systems such as CommonJS, AMD, and ES6 Modules
Researched specific libraries and frameworks and development tools including Bootstrap, Node.js, React, Angular, NPM, Webpack, Babel
Prototyped an example web app with targeted integration of select web UI technologies
An ASP.NET MVC Web App targeting .NET Framework 4.7.2 with Razor views using the following technologies that were new for our team
Bootstrap style sheets and Reactstrap JS module for styling
React.js written in ES6 and JSX for designing reusable JavaScript components