Portfolio - egnomerator/misc GitHub Wiki

Summary of Professional Projects

Created an internal data hosting information system opening a new recurring revenue stream averaging over $2 million annually

  • Business need: to track over 150 TB of customer data hosted internally on our high-performance SAN to enable billing monthly for secure hosting
  • Created this application as an onboarding project and developed it to become one of the software team’s premier internal software products
  • Designed the application to be workflow-independent, configurable, and automatable to enable users to spend minimal manual effort
  • Implemented a web UI enabling internal employees to request, rapidly inspect, compare, and manage reports, and to configure automated reporting
  • Implemented queue-based complex backend processing for granular reporting of billable internally hosted data on a per-customer, per-project basis
  • A later update that depends on a new internal web service (described next) enables automated billing from this application’s web UI
  • C#, .NET Framework, ASP.NET MVC, SQL Server, IIS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax

Created a scalable on-premises web service that submits billing charges from internal systems to the company cloud-based ERP system

  • Business need: to eliminate manual errors and save hours of manual processing by centralizing and automating monthly billing
  • Researched and selected the solution’s technology stack, architected and implemented the software solution, and owned its ongoing SDLC
  • The service exposes a REST API and logs, validates, transforms, and submits automated billing charges by consuming the ERP’s SOAP API
  • Created an HTTP client library for client applications to reference allowing them to interact with simple POCOs to consume this internal web service
  • Deployed a standalone (on-premises) Azure Service Fabric cluster to host the stateless reliable web service
  • Currently migrating this solution to Azure to support international workloads, automating resource management with PowerShell and ARM templates
  • C#, .NET Framework, ASP.NET MVC Core, Azure Service Fabric, web API supporting XML and JSON, NetSuite’s SuiteTalk SOAP web service and XSD

Overhauled a legacy application eliminating manual processing errors and saving the operations department hundreds of man-hours annually

  • Major refactoring: removed dead code, refactored existing core functionality to reduce dependencies and enable safely adding key functionality
  • Implemented bulk processing in parallel enabling users to run the app unattended and reducing processing time to a fraction of the original time
  • C#, .NET Framework, Windows Forms, TPL, Cooperative Cancellation

New Web API Collaboration

  • Worked with the team’s architect on the design of a new fairly complex REST style web API over a server-side piece that was planned for serving various thin web UI clients

Research of Modern Web UI Frameworks and Libraries

  • Our team was considering integrating modern web UI technologies into our existing stack in a targeted, value-based fashion
  • We hoped to gain benefits such as rapid UI development, prototyping, clean code, improved code reuse, and a higher degree of interactivity in our application UIs where practical
  • Researched general design techniques and principles such as
    • server-side vs client-side rendering, mobile first design, two-way vs one-way data binding, client-side routing, client-side state management, isomorphic rendering, transpilation, JavaScript Module systems such as CommonJS, AMD, and ES6 Modules
  • Researched specific libraries and frameworks and development tools including Bootstrap, Node.js, React, Angular, NPM, Webpack, Babel
  • Prototyped an example web app with targeted integration of select web UI technologies
    • An ASP.NET MVC Web App targeting .NET Framework 4.7.2 with Razor views using the following technologies that were new for our team
    • Bootstrap style sheets and Reactstrap JS module for styling
    • React.js written in ES6 and JSX for designing reusable JavaScript components
    • NPM running Webpack using Babel for transpilation
    • Fetch API for Ajax
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