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Why use JavaScript modules?
Common problematic characteristics of JavaScript without JavaScript modules
- global namespace pollution
- far too many global variables and functions
- use of implicit globals
- files referencing variables and functions defined in other files
- files with 100s of lines of code
- to avoid implicit globals, everything could go in one long file
- lack of encapsulation
- just a long list of un-grouped functions and variables rather than encapsulated chunks of cohesive state and behavior
How do JavaScript modules solve these issues?
- encapsulation
- a file is a module; a module is a self-contained chunk of behavior and state
- a module imports its dependencies rather than reaching for globals
- a module's contents is private by default--to share something, it must be explicitly made public
- avoid implicit globals
- the top of a module file has a list of dependencies (these statements are like using statements)
- in ES6 modules, these are "import" statements
- IDE support gives warnings of implicit globals to help ensure the use of import statements
- the top of a module file has a list of dependencies (these statements are like using statements)
Why ES6 modules?
- with other options available (e.g. CommonJS, AMD), why choose ES6?
- I chose ES6 since it's now a part of the ECMAScript standard
JSX is a syntax extension to JavaScript.
the .jsx
- JavaScript files that contain JSX do not have to use the
extension - choosing to use the
extension is a matter of team preference- some teams choose to use
whenever a file contains JSX - it's also common for teams to just always use
- some teams choose to use
- whatever the choice, be consistent
TypeScript is a Superset of JavaScript.
- it provides pre-compile type-checking
- it enables IDEs to provide more detailed intellisense with type information
- it enables IDEs to provide pre-compile time feedback for many kinds of errors that typically don't show up until runtime in JavaScript programs
- it can generate declaration (
) files- these files enable IDEs to get the same improved intellisense on regular JavaScript files
- NPM packages developed in TypeScript can be compiled to JavaScript with these generated declaration files
- this resulting package of JavaScript with Types can then be published as the NPM package
- this enables regular JavaScript programs to utilize these NPM packages and get IDE support for type checking
- these files enable IDEs to get the same improved intellisense on regular JavaScript files
- TypeScript supports JSX
- if using TypeScript and JSX, you MUST USE .tsx extension
- it's also worth being aware that behavior of certain TypeScript syntax is affected
- TypeScript source:
Jest testing Library
- React recommends unit testing with Jest
- React also recommends react-test-renderer
Test Renderer npm package
OPTIONS for unit test runners and debugging tools
- simple command line execution of scripts defined in package.json
npm run test
- this does not debug, just runs the tests
- terminal shows pass/fail results--or errors out
ndb - debugging with ndb
- completely separate tool from Jest
- a nice tool for a close-to IDE debugging experience for JavaScript unit test debugging
- a shortcoming
- trouble getting source mapped debugging
- have gotten this so far, except in the actual test file
- trouble getting breakpoints outside of the test file
- so far, have only gotten breakpoints within the test file
- trouble getting source mapped debugging
- depending on installed extensions, vscode unit test debugging experience is best that i've found so far
- when using Jest, the "Jest Test Explorer" is quite nice
- vscode w/ "Jest Test Explorer" extension
- a key to getting the extension to see the tests is setting up a workspace and adding the project to the workspace
- great experience
- extension:
- i do wish that i could make it use my build scripts--can't as of yet at least
- nice test explorer, debugging with breakpoints in the original files
- once i got it working it was really nice
- a nice feature: "Flatten Explorer" (avoid deep tree of folder structure--just show list of tests)
- tried other extensions--couldn't quite get them working right
Just a note on built-in .NET Core support
- there was a point a few years back where some really helpful features were supported
- over the next few years, support has been removed
- there is still a minimal features set available
SPA Nuget package services
- deprecated services:
- obsolete as of ASP.NET Core 3.0, will be removed in .NET 5.0
- existing services: