Deploy - egnomerator/misc GitHub Wiki

Helpful Links for Python App Deployment


  • After some initial confusion on where to begin, installing pip-Win was what got the ball rolling for me

PyInstaller Windows Installation Docs

  • Here are instructions to install pip-Win as well as instructions for the installation of PyInstaller

Using PyInstaller

  • This guide was very helpful after I installed PyInstaller

Install Types (from the docs I perused):

Very Limited Experience

As of now, I've only ever written one Python script and it was just to create a TOC for this GitHub wiki based on the wiki's folder/file structure that I manually maintain. So, this is obviously only barely-dipping-one's-toe-in-the-water level information.

I simply used PyInstaller to create a one-folder program which I placed in MyUser\AppData\Local. And, then I created a shortcut to it from the Windows Start menu.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️