Block Scope - egnomerator/misc GitHub Wiki
- This link is to a video within an awesome Pluralsight course "Advanced JavaScript" by Kyle Simpson
- Most of the code within the example code snippets come from the above linked Pluralsight course
- This is a link to another page within this github wiki
Lexical scope is determined at compile time (whereas dynamic scope is determined at run time). JavaScript's lexical scope gives functions their own private scope. Non-function code blocks (loops, if statements, switch statements) do not get their own private scope.
// Example 1
// for loops do not have their own private scope
for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
console.log(i); // prints 0, 1, 2
console.log(i); // prints 3
// Example 2
// switch statements do not have their own private scope
var n = 5;
case 5:
var woot = "woot"
console.log(woot); // prints woot
console.log(woot); // prints woot
// Example 3
// function contains baz within its lexical private scope
function foo (bar){
if(bar){ // if statements do not have their own private scope
var baz = bar;
console.log(baz); // prints "bar"
console.log(baz); // Error: baz is not defined
The let
keyword hijacks the scope of whatever block {}
it appears in to be a private scope for the variable declared with let
// Example 1
// `let i` hijacks for loop as a private scope for i
for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++){
console.log(i); // prints 0, 1, 2
console.log(i); // Error: i is not defined
// Example 2
// `let woot` hijacks switch as a private scope for woot
var n = 5;
case 5:
let woot = "woot"
console.log(woot); // prints woot
console.log(woot); // Error: i is not defined
// Example 3
// function contains baz within its lexical private scope
function foo (bar){
if(bar){ // `let baz` hijacks if statement as a private scope for baz
let baz = bar;
console.log(baz); // Error baz is not defined
console.log(baz); // Error: baz is not defined (same as in exampleLex.js)