Studio Team Goals and Pain Points - edx/edx-solutions-edx-platform GitHub Wiki


  1. Develop a JavaScript architecture goal. Describe how new code should be written so that we move towards that goal.

  2. Agree on a method of prototyping for UX folks. This includes describing the steps for UX to "hand off" work to development.

The Laundry List

  1. Namespacing

  2. Backbone as preferred framework

  3. Increase usage of RequireJS (and make using it easier)

  4. Templating. We are using Mako, Underscore, and Moustache. Define when to use each one (possibly drop 1 or more?).

  5. What do we want to do for minimization and obfuscation? Do we wish to change our current minimization strategy?

  6. Create a list of stories around JavaScript cleanup

  7. Get the Jasmine test dependencies working (delete explicit listing of JavaScript files)

  8. Only load the JavaScript needed for the page being viewed!

  9. CoffeeScript vs. JavaScript. Do we want to keep writing in a mixture of the two?

  10. Create a JavaScript style guide with preferred patterns (and description of when each pattern should be used)

  11. Old files containing anti-patterns should be labeled as such with a comment in the top of the file

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