Shell Commands - edx/edx-solutions-edx-platform GitHub Wiki
- To run django admin commands use with the following syntax:
path/to/edx-platform/ [lms|cms] --settings=aws --service-variant lms <cmd>
For example to see all of the available lms commands on the single server vagrant image:
sudo -u www-data /opt/edx/bin/python /opt/wwc/edx-platform/ lms --settings=aws --service-variant lms help
- To create a superuser account on the edX vagrant image
sudo -u www-data /opt/edx/bin/python /opt/wwc/edx-platform/ lms --settings=aws --service-variant lms createsuperuser --username <user>
- To get rid of existing courses. Note this will not clear out data on the django side like course groups:
mongo xmodule --eval "db.dropDatabase()"
mongo xcontent --eval "db.dropDatabase()"
- To delete one course first locate your Organization, Course Number, and Course Name in the CMS> Settings> Schedule & Details page then issue this command. For configuration using the Installing edX on a single Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) server instructions, please change 'env' to 'aws'.
#Command: rake django-admin[delete_course,cms,env,"{Organization}/{Course Number}/{Course Name} commit"]
rake django-admin[delete_course,cms,aws,"MITx/999/Robot_Super_Course commit"]
- To seed the permissions for the comment service for user 'robot' course MITx/999/Robot_Super_Course
export PYTHONPATH=. seed_permissions_roles "MITx/999/Robot_Super_Course" assign_role robot Moderator "MITx/999/Robot_Super_Course" assign_role robot Administrator "MITx/999/Robot_Super_Course"
- To sync the user info from cms/lms over to the comment service:
rake django-admin[sync_user_info,lms,dev]
- To list all the courses:
use edxapp
db.modulestore.find( { "_id.category" : "course" }, {'name':'1'} )
- To find all the updates for courses numbered 999:
db.modulestore.find({'_id.course': '999','':'updates'})
- To remove courses numbered 999 from all orgs. Note this will not clear out data on the django side like course groups:
db.modulestore.remove({'_id.course': '999'})
- To run the automated tests:
rspec spec
- To delete the comment service db:
mongo cs_comments_service_development --eval "db.dropDatabase()"
- To reinitialize the comment service db:
bundle exec rake db:init
- To re-index the db (must have some data in it):
bundle exec rake db:reindex_search
- To start up the comment service:
ruby app.rb