Installing a new XBlock - edx/edx-solutions-edx-platform GitHub Wiki

Allow All Advanced Components (first time only)

Custom XBlocks are not allowed by default, you need to update settings.

Like all platform settings, you can either write inside /edx/app/edx_ansible/server-vars.yml and update the platform to generate the custom settings files.


Or you can manually edit the custom settings, in /edx/app/edxapp/cms.env.json.

This will override the default value hardcoded in /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/cms/envs/

Once the file is updated, you need to reboot to reload the settings.

sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl -c /edx/etc/supervisord.conf restart edxapp:

Install / Update a XBlock

To install a XBlock, you must download it, and then run the install script. To update an existing XBlock, use --upgrade.

# Move to the folder where you want to download the XBlock
cd /edx/app/edxapp
# Download the XBlock
sudo -u edxapp git clone
# If not installed: Install the XBlock
sudo -u edxapp /edx/bin/pip.edxapp install yourXBlock/
# If installed: Upgrade the XBlock using --upgrade
sudo -u edxapp /edx/bin/pip.edxapp install yourXBlock/ --upgrade
# Remove the installation files
sudo rm -r yourXBlock

Reboot if something isn't right

In some cases, rebooting is necessary to use the XBlock.

sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl -c /edx/etc/supervisord.conf restart edxapp:

Activate the XBlock in your course

Go to Settings -> Advanced Settings and set advanced_modules to ["xblockname"].

Use the XBlock in a unit

Select Advanced -> XBlock Name in your unit.