User Manual - edo9300/edopro GitHub Wiki
User Manual
Keyboard shortcuts:
- ESC: Minimize the window.
- A: Holding down this button will let the system stop at every timing.
- S: Holding down this button will let the system skip every timing.
- R: Fix the font error.
- F1~F4: Show the cards in your grave, banished zone, extra deck, xyz materials.
- F5~F8: Show the cards in your opponent's grave, banished zone, extra deck, xyz materials.
Colour in card list:
- White = your card, Grey = your opponent's card
Cards in deck, extra deck and banished zone:
- Black = face-up, Blue = face-down
Xyz materials:
- Black = default, Blue = the owner of the Xyz Material is different from its controller
- Main Monster Zone: 0~4, starting from the left hand side.
- Extra Monster Zone: 5~6, starting from the left hand side.
- Spell & Trap Zone: 0~4, starting from the left hand side.
- Field Zone: 5
- Pendulum Zone: 0~1, starting from the left hand side (when used with LOCATION_PZONE).
- separated pendulum zones: 6~7
- joined with szone: 0, 4
- joined with szone + speed duel: 1, 3
- The others: 0~n, starting from the bottom.
Deck edit page:
- All numeric textboxes: They support >, =, <, >=, <= signs.
- Card name: Search card names and texts by default, $foo will only search foo in card names, and @foo will search cards of "foo" archetype(due to translation, card name contains "foo" does not mean that card is "foo" card).
Command-line options:
- -C "working directory": Run EDOPro in the directory specified as argument
- -m: Launch the edopro instance muted
- -l: Show the changelog prompt
- -D: Signal EDOPro that it has been launched from discord (currently unused)
- -u url:
as url to check the client updates from instead of the one the program was compiled with.
- pics: .jpg/.png card images.
- script: .lua script files.
- textures: Other image files.
- deck: .ydk deck files.
- replay: .yrp and .yrpX replay files.
- expansions: extra databases, pics, script, strings.conf