Game Boy Advance - eddywebs/RetroPie-Setup GitHub Wiki


The Game Boy Advance is a 32 bit handheld video game console released by Nintendo in 2001.

Emulator Rom Folder Extension BIOS Controller Config
lr-gpSP gba .gba gba_bios.bin /opt/retropie/configs/gba/retroarch.cfg
lr-vba-next gba .gba gba_bios.bin /opt/retropie/configs/gba/retroarch.cfg
lr-mgba gba .gba gba_bios.bin /opt/retropie/configs/gba/retroarch.cfg
gpSP gba .gba gba_bios.bin /opt/retropie/emulators/gpsp/gpsp.cfg

Emulators: gpSP, lr-gpSP, lr-vba-next, lr-mgba


Accepted File Extensions: .gba

Place your Game Boy Advance ROMS in



The Game Boy Advance requires a BIOS called gba_bios.bin

Place the BIOS in



There are two ways to configure your Game Boy Advance controls depending on the emulator.

lr-gpSP, lr-vba-next, and lr-mgba

lr-gpSP, lr-vba-next, and lr-mgba utilise Retroarch configurations

Add custom retroarch controls to the retroarch.cfg file in


For more information on custom RetroArch controls see: RetroArch Configuration



To configure your controls for gpSP, once you are in a game you can press F10 to access the menu

if you want your settings to be saved you need to select quit from the F10 menu instead of pressing esc on the keyboard

For Gamepad: Navigate to configure gamepad input and modify the controls to fit your preferences.

Example Gamepad Controls

D-pad up: asix Y-
D-pad down: asix Y+
D-pad left: asix X-
D-pad right: asix X+
A: Button 1
B: Button 2
Left Trigger: Button 5
Right Trigger: Button 6
Start: Button 3
Select: Button 4

Menu Hotkey: yes  (this means if you hold select+right trigger it will open the menu- but it is mapped to whichever buttons you configure for select and right trigger above)

For Keyboard: Navigate to configure keyboard input and modify the controls to fit your preferences.

Example Keyboard Controls

D-pad up: Up
D-pad down: Down
D-pad left: Left
D-pad right: Right
A: Z
B: X
Left Trigger: A
Right Trigger: S
Start: Return
Select: Backspace

Video Tutorial: