7805 IC - eclubiitk/EClub-Handbook GitHub Wiki

A voltage regulator IC maintains the output voltage at a constant value. 7805 IC, a member of 78xx series of fixed linear voltage regulators is a popular voltage regulator integrated circuit (IC).

Pin connections

The IC takes unregulated voltage input at Pin 1. The output regulated 5V is given out at pin 3. The ground pin is common to both input and output

7805 IC Rating

Output voltage range: VMax = 5.2V ,VMin = 4.8V

Input voltage range: 7V - 35V

Current rating of IC: 1A

As you may have noticed, there is a significant difference between the input voltage the output voltage of the voltage regulator. This difference between the input and output voltage is released as heat. So to disipate the heat and protect the instrument from malfunctioning, we have 2 options.

  • Design your circuit so that the input voltage going into the regulator is limited to 2-3 volts above the output regulated voltage
  • Place an appropriate heat sink, that can efficiently dissipate heat.

Applications of 7805 IC

  • Fixed-Output Regulator
  • Positive Regulator in Negative Configuration
  • Current Regulator
  • Reverse bias projection Circuit

Here is the datasheet