Quiz2:Notes - echadbourne/NET-330 GitHub Wiki
- OSPF is what class of routing protocol?
- Link State, keep alives and link changes - RIP is Distance Vector
- BGP - Path vector
- IP Masquerading is related to?
- Firewalls that can process rules based on URL operate at which OSI layer?
- 7 - URLS are in HTTP, application layer protocol, layer 7 (next gen firewalls, full packet inspection)
- What are the two primary functions of an IP router?
- Routing and Forwarding
- Requirement consideration for Network Zoning include all of the following except
- Virtual or physical networking - configured similarly, virtual or not
- BGP Peers are...
- Manually identified neighboring router (not discovered during broadcast)
- In the hierarchical internetworking model - where does ost internal routing occur
- Distribution
- An organization needs a separate AS number for every public IP range it is assigned
- False
- PAT - what's that?
- Many to one IP mapping
One of the courses offered in 1878 - telegraph operations